A goodbye letter to Teyvat (Part Three)

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*This is a Fanfiction of a GENSHIN IMPACT, all characters belongs to the rightful owners, MIHOYO. This is my interception of an ending.

This was based on a idea; [Please don't make this canon | Childe x Lumine]. The video belongs to Jizy.

The ships in the story includes: Childe x Lumine and Diluc x Jean.

*Warning you are reading the third part of the Fanfiction of "A goodbye letter to Teyvat"

You have been warned.

Characters in the story:
Aether, Amber, Albedo, Baizhu, Barbara, Bennett, Childe (Tartaglia/Ajax), Dainsleif, Diluc, Diona, Fishl, Gui, Jean, Kaeya, Keqing, Klee, Lisa, Lumine, Millelith, Mona, Ningguang, Noelle, Oz, Paimon, Razor, Sucrose, Venti and Zhongli.


Childe has recovered from the injuries. They are back going on an adventure together again...


Crisis was averted. Barely.

A month after the near invasion by an organized attack by the abyss. Liyue Harbor celebrates, but Childe seems to be acting off...

Childe was posing and making different expressions in front of a Camera he bought few days ago all of the sudden. Lumine was wondering if he was okay, with the sudden attitude change and making odd sounds towards it. 'I wonder if he really understands that that Camera doesn't record. I'm worried. I'll take him to be checked in case if there was really something wrong with him.' Childe continued to make odd expressions in front of the camera.

Later in the afternoon:
Lumine drags Childe back to Liyue. "Are you taking me on a date?" "No, you were making expressions towards a camera, that does not record. So I thought that you lost some blood and short circuited your brain" "You're so meeaaaan" "Better to be safe than sorry" Lumine goes to talk to Gui. "So how is he doing" "I don't know. This morning he was smiling at the camera. Thought his brain was dying. It's not the case right?" "I don't think so. He should be fully recovered by now." Lumine rubbed her chin, thinking what could be the cause. Then she remembered the food Paimon left out to get something. "Oh no... let me just- go talk to someone." Lumine went to confront Paimon face to face. "What were you making before Childe ate it all?" "Paimon saw a delicious food in a dream. It was Slime, Sweet flower, mint, apples, frozen meat and what was it... Ahh Candy Whopperflower petals!!" "Are you really sure that is all?" "Oh Paimon also remembers that the meat wasn't cooked yet and it was just stuffed into the slime with others?" "Childe... food poisoning. I'll ask Gui for symptoms" Lumine goes back in after giving Paimon some food to keep her company.

"Hmm, I don't think it's possible though. He's looking fine, hasn't thrown up since this morning?" "No, not as far as I know. Childe did you eat that slime flood Paimon was making?" "What noooo I thiiink?" "Childe... oh gosh, please answer me. You are not going to make me worried to death again." Childe takes a deep breath "I knew the camera didn't record. Was trying to practice my facial expressions so I can take a nice picture with you... I kept quiet because I wanted to capture you when you were... you?" Lumine looks at Childe for a moment before bursting into laughter, Childe takes a picture of her. "So that was it? Oh gosh I was worried for nothing. Glad you were okay" "Ojou-chan... did you think I was dumb one brain cell only functioning human by any chance?" "No, I thought you were possessed by something. Like seriously. You were all crazy making a screeching sound." "Ojou chan~" Childe made a sad face, Lumine took a picture. "Hahaha revenge is mine" Gui wonders why they continued to flirt with each other.

"So he's good. Um there's other people so... flirt somewhere... you know" Lumine blushes "I- We were?" "Oh Ojou-chan you are so adorable <3" Childe picks her up like a princess and says goodbye to Gui. 'Ah, it pains my single soul.' A child points them out "Mommy, are they married like you and mommy? I wonder if they have someone I can play with" Lumine knew what the child meant. Lumine blushes a little, Childe takes a picture. "Oi, why are you taking a picture of me?" Childe lowers his camera. "Well after experiencing near life and death, I thought I should capture moments that I can keep close and keep it for the future so the kids could see how young we were." Lumine immediately knew exactly what Childe was planning, she was trying to make a run for it, but was grabbed by Childe, lifted into the air. Lumine was not able to escape.

Lumine asks to be put down but all Childe said in reply was "No way, I am going to throw you in bed and mark you that you are mine" Lumine is really trying to get away even more. "Aww Ojou-chan are you embarrassed? How cute~" "Yeah damn right I am. Why you gotta say it out loud!?" "Why? I can't expand our family tree?" Lumine blushes "Gosh darn it Ajax!! Stop saying that" "Aww, after kissing each other in a open field?" Lumine is red as a tomato "AAAAH SUSH" "And oh our love is full of passion." "Paimon help me!!!"

Paimon flew ahead so she doesn't see anything, nor could do anything to save her. The reasons were simple. The food he makes are too good to let go. "I'm sorry Lumine. I'll do anything for food." Paimon continued to ignore Lumine's help. "Ojou-chan, do you hate me that much" Childe makes a sad puppy eyes "Don't you dare puppy eye me." Childe continued to make puppy eyes. "Childe, we are travelers. Besides, we won't be able to fight together constantly" Childe freezes, notices how that was true. "Ojou-chan as much as I love you. I CAN'T POSSIBLY HOLD OFF OUR DAILY FIGHTS FOR MONTHSSS I'LL GET BORED WITHIN A DAY!!" Lumine sighs 'Oh glad that convinced him.'

They go walking back to Mondstrat, Diluc and Jean had something to talk to them.

Aether was planning his next move, when he got a sinking feeling in his stomach. "Are you okay you highness?" "Yes I am. Just, concerned for something. It's probably nothing." 'That been said, I do wonder how is she holding up after the failed attempt of attacking Liyue?'

What no one knew what was to come.
What Lumine, Paimon and Childe witnessed that day was to be never forgotten.

- To be Continued -

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