A goodbye letter to Teyvat (Part Fourteen)

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*This is a Fanfiction of a GENSHIN IMPACT, all characters belongs to the rightful owners, MIHOYO. This is my interception of an ending.

This was based on a idea; [Please don't make this canon | Childe x Lumine]. The video belongs to Jizy.

The ships in the story includes: Childe x Lumine and Diluc x Jean.

*Warning you are reading the second part of the Fanfiction of "A goodbye letter to Teyvat"

You have been warned.

Characters in the story:
Aether, Amber, Albedo, Baizhu, Barbara, Bennett, Childe (Tartaglia/Ajax), Dainsleif, Diluc, Diona, Fishl, Gui, Jean, Kaeya, Keqing, Klee, Lisa, Lumine, Millelith, Mona, Ningguang, Noelle, Oz, Paimon, Razor, Sucrose, Sonar, Venti and Zhongli.


Lumine pretended to not know Childe. He was left, in the dark narrow gap between the spaces, while Lumine walked out in the bright sun. It reminded him of the days when he got to know her.


They arrive to Liyue. They kept the trip early as they could. Zhongli tried to stall for time, but he knew even he couldn't stop Lumine. It was raining, a flash of lightning. Lumine and others already left for the night. "Send regards to Childe... sorry we couldn't stay here too long." Lumine says as she closed the door. Few hours later, Childe came stumbling in. Drenched from head to toe. Zhongli went to grab a towel to give to Childe to dry off. But he stood there. He was shaken. "Miss Lumine told me to send you regards. I do have a basic idea on what is going on based on her attitude when we talked". Childe's shoulder was shaking. "Dry up before you catch a cold." "Zhongli-sensei..." Zhongli turns to face Childe. "What is it?" "Can I talk to you. One on one?" Zhongli knew. "Yeah, sure. Just dry up and take off your muddy shoes."

Zhongli and Childe walked into a room deeper back in the Wansheng Funeral Parlor. Zhongli lighted up the lamps. He drew a chair for Childe and he sat down on the opposite side of Childe. "At this moment. I will only be a mere Zhongli, no playing tricks and using you as Rex Lapis. Or a consultant of Wansheng Funeral Parlor, Zhongli. Just as a friend to want to share your feelings and share my knowledge." Childe takes a deep breath. "Back... in Snezhnaya... no way before that. The moment when Aether came back home. She knew. They knew that their time of staying in Teyvat was coming to an end and they were planning to go to wherever they're going." Childe continued to explain. "Childe..." "...a-and I-" "Childe." Zhongli puts his hand on Childe's shoulder. Droplets of water hit the wooden table.

"WHAT SHOULD I DO, I DON'T WANT TO LOSE HER. I-I don't want to say goodbye... I don't want her to leave me, this world she saved and loved." Childe was crying. "Let it all Childe... let it all out" Childe bursts into tears. Zhongli knew by the time Aether mentioned 500 years. They too lived long, like him. Lumine probably knew that too. The time was cruel. The rain covered the screams and cries from Childe. He acted strong in front of others. But in terms of his closest friends. He showed his barely seen weakness. Zhongli uses his shoulder. "Where are you going Zhongli?" "I need to take my friend home. It seems he fell asleep when I was brewing tea. I shall take him to the inn." Zhongli walked out, the rain had stopped but the skies of Liyue were overhanging by grey clouds. Like it was reflecting the hearts of certain people. Heavy, painful looks of the two reminded of the days too where Rex Lapis has clouds over his heart, that never seemed to clear up.

Zhongli drops him off at the inn. "May I borrow a pen and paper?" The innkeeper has given them the items. Zhongli wrote something and put it next to his bedside. "Good luck young one. May time not curse you with the cloud in your heart." Zhongli leaves.

Next morning, Childe wakes up to be in the inn. He sees a paper. He opens it. He rushes out. Pays the innkeeper. "Go, Childe. Run and catch her." "Oh Zhongli! Are you being poetic?" Hu tao playfully asks. Zhongli completely ignores her. "Hey I'm your boss" "And my shift hasn't started yet." Childe ran through the streets of Liyue. He looked everywhere for Lumine, who was nowhere to be seen. [Childe, I have been in the same place as you. The clouds on your heart is there. As well in Miss Lumine's heart. I lived for thousands of years, and I know how time can be cruel at times. Unless you want her and yourself to bear this curse until the day you die. I suggest you come clean about your feelings towards her to at least have a ray of light shine upon you two.] "LUMINE! LUMINE WHERE ARE YOU!" Childe was breathing heavily as he ran around Liyue.

"Oh, aren't you that Childe? That used to travel with Lumine? If you're looking for her, she went to the direction of Mondstadt. We passed each other at the Stone gate so if you get there fast enough, you might be able to catch up to her?" Childe thanked the two ladies. He sprinted to the direction of the Stone gate. Zhongli, Keqing, Nigguang, Ganyu, Xiao looked over Childe. They all smiled, without saying anything. They watched over as they saw Childe leave Liyue harbor. "Are you ready for this?" "Hmp, I am." Keqing crossed her arms. "Miss Nigguang, how did the agreement with the others go?" "They were fine with it. It was rough you know."  "I shall get the Adepti ready." "I'll go with Miss Ningguang to get ready with that plan."

Childe ran through the paths. There was no monsters to bee seen in sight. Nor people. Then a Mitachurl showed up, swinging their big axe. "Keep going!" Then a flash of purple light, what seemed to be a lightning defeated the Mitachul in a few swings. "Although I dislike you. But I don't dislike Lumine at all. I shall assist you to help you get to her." Xiao uses his Adepti's power from back then to speed up Childe's running. "We have created a path. Go and get her." Childe smiles, breaks into laughter. 'She is truly a light. She saved everyone... look how many you saved and helped... including me. Now it's our turn to help you.'

"Hey Lumine? What's wrong?" Paimon asked, as Lumine stopped walking all of the sudden. "Isn't it... too quiet?" Lumine was concerned. Not a single bird sang, not a single slime in sight. "That is true. There's something wrrong." Lumine takes out her sword. "Stay close to me brother." Lumine uses her element sight to track anything that was in the area, no matter how big or small it was. 'I don't like this... I don't like it at all.'

A eerie grin. A chill down went down Lumine's spine. "LUMINE!" Aether pushes Lumine out of the way. Aether was in pain, blood splattered everywhere. Dainslief was pointing his weapon at... Sonar. "Oh... I was so close."

- To be continued -

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