Chapter 18♥ Ana

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Chapter 18♥ Ana

I was in a meadow. It was bright and sunny. A honey hue setting the scene. I ran my hand through the dewy grass. I couldn't exactly feel it. Strange.

I suddenly felt something watching me. Like two holes were being burned into my skull. It didn't physically feel like that, but I could just sense something glaring at me.

Oh crap, I got spidey-senses! Finally! This totally makes up for not getting a acceptance letter to Hogwarts when I was eleven.

I turned around, curious as to what was staring at me. A deer was in the distance, looking at me with wide doe-eyes. I mentally 'Awhed' in my head.

But in a flash, the deer was gone. It had been pulled to the floor. It's screams for help quickened my heartbeat. What was happening?

The screaming stopped. Everything was still. My heartbeat filling the empty silence.

I saw something moving, quickly I might add, towards me. I didn't care what it was, I did not want it getting close to me.

I turned and ran. I wasn't running fast enough. I tried to push harder, but I wasn't going any faster.

I felt it pounce on top of me. It felt like an elephant had sat on me. In other words, the wind was knocked out of me.

I got flipped around, so I was looking at the beast who had me captured.

It had the body of a tiger, eyes like a vampire, teeth like a saber-tooth, and claws like a hawk. Basically, it was horrendously hideous.

I let out a blood curdling scream.

And that was when I woke up screaming. My lungs hurt and my throat felt like sand paper.

Everybody jolted awake. I scared Niall the most since I was right next to him. Poor lad.

"Ana! What happened?" Louis turned around in his seat and looked at me. His eyes were wide with concern.

"Another bad dream." My breathing was heavy and my words were dry. It hurt my throat to talk. I lifted my knees to my chest. I felt like curling up into a ball and crying.

Ever since I moved away from London, I've been having nightmares similar to the one I just had. They were horrible.

"It's alright now. We're here with you. It's fine." Louis spoke softly and soothingly. It helped me calm down a bit. Niall wrapped his arms around me and hugged me into his chest. I snuggled closer. I felt like nothing could get me now, with my five big men to protect me.

We hadn't even noticed that the plane had gotten pretty close to landing. Well, except for Harry.

"Now landing in five... four... three... two... one!" Harry said just as the plane landed, in attempt to lighten the mood. I smiled and cheered a bit with the boys. Louis was acting like a lunatic like always. Niall cheered a bit, but still held onto me. He was such a sweet boy. Zayn was acting like Louis. Crazy boys. Liam was acting pretty normal. He seemed like he was turning something over in his head though. I wondered what he was thinking about. Harry seemed glad to get back on the ground.

After we got off the plane, Louis held me close to his chest to protect me from being seen by the lot of girls waiting for the boys at the airport. Paul was waiting for us off the plane and blocked the camera people from seeing me or getting pictures of me.

Once we were in the van, I could finally stop worrying that they would get pictures of me. I really didn't need that kind of drama in my life. Nobody except the boys, Paul and the boys' management know that I'm going to be living with Louis, Harry, and apparently, Liam.

"We have a surprise for everybody!" Louis suddenly said after nodding at Harry once. Harry was grinning like an idiot. What were these two up too? They started handing out colored pictures of animals that looked like they came from a coloring book. Louis handed me a light blue polar bear. My eyes instantly lit up. He was smirking. I surprised him and hugged him. He knew my weird obsession with polar bears. He hugged me back and chuckled. We released each other and I smiled at him.

"Thank you. But, you do know you have to stay inside the lines right?" I pointed to a small imperfection on the picture. He rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out me. I grabbed his tongue and yanked on it. He yelped which made me laugh. He pouted at me.

"Harry!" Louis complained. Harry gave me a stern look but ended up laughing. Louis pouted again and crossed his arms. I made a funny face at him, trying to get him in a better mood again. He tried to hold the laughter in, but he eventually gave up and laughed.

1 hour later

We had finally got to Louis' house. Louis had fallen asleep half way through the car ride and was now leaning against the car window. I tried shaking him awake. That obviously didnt work. So, I opened the car door and he feel out of the car onto the pavement.

"Ah!" He yelped and stood up quickly. I bursted out laughing and he just pouted at me. I got out and hugged him.


"It's okay." He let go of me and poked his head into the car again. "GET UP! WE ARE HERE!" He shouted at Liam and Harry.They groaned and complained, but they still got up.

I was finally home. I smiled to myself as I looked at the building infront of me.


Author's note:

HAPPY NEW YEAR! This is my last apdate for 2012. Wow this year went by super fast... I feel weird :/

Welp... I hope you guys liked it :D Vote, comment, and fan pleaaaseeee!!

Love you guys!


-Savannah R xx

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