Chapter 17♪ Louis

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Chapter 17♪ Louis

I was kind of disappointed that I didn't get to sit next to Ana when we landed, but she looked happy talking to Niall. They talked about their stuffed animals and food. Ana knew Niall loves food so she knew it would be an interesting topic to bring up with him. I swear, Niall sounded like a food critic.

Harry fell asleep and I got bored, so there was only one thing to do...

Poke him until he woke up again.

"Hmmmph." He groaned and turned the other way, still clamping his eyes shut. That boy was stubborn. I poked him more and he finally gave up on sleeping and woke up.

"Finally! I thought I'd have to slap you or something." He rolled his eyes at me and I couldn't help but smile.

"What do you want to do? We have about seventeen minutes until we land." Harry looked out the window, admiring the pink and purple sunrise. An idea popped into my head.

"Let's see how many pictures we can see on the clouds!" I say excitedly. Harry just face palms.

"Louis, there are no clouds..." Harry rubs his temples but chuckles anyway.

"Oh..." I say a little disapointed. I look behind me at Ana and she is fast asleep. Awh, she was adorable! A goofy grin appeared on my face and I chuckled once I saw Niall asleep too. Niall and Ana are so adorable when they sleep. They are like puppies!

Harry looked over too and an 'Awhh...' escaped his mouth. He grinned, showing his humongous holes in his cheeks (otherwise known as his dimples).

"We should color pictures for everyone. I brought a coloring book in case I got bored." Harry reached under his chair and pulled out a coloring book with a colorful front cover consisting of a rainbow zebra, a pink polar bear and a green monkey. What a strange cover...

"I want to color a polar bear for Ana. It's her favorite animal." I waited patiently as Harry torn out a picture of a polar bear. He handed it and a box of crayons to me.

I took out a light blue crayon and colored the polar bear very nicely. I looked over at Harry and he was coloring a turtle purple. It was obviously for Liam.

Once I finished Ana's picture, I decided I would color one for Niall. I tore out a picture of a giraffe and started to color it green. Niall loved giraffes and, he hates to admit this because of leprechaun jokes but, he likes the color green. Harry tore out a picture of a lion and started coloring it red.

We decided that he would color a picture for me and I would color a picture for him. He tore out a picture of a monkey and colored it red. Oh, Harry knew me so well. I tore out a picture of a cat and colored it a nice sky blue.

Once we finished our pictures we gave each other the pictures we made for each other. Now it was just time for the others to wake up.

They were going to love this!


Author's note:

HUUUUGE filler! sorry :/ lol

If I got any of the boys' favorite animals/colors wrong please tell me! It would really help :)

Thank you for reading and if you have any questions post 'em down below in the comments! I will answer them :D


-Savannah R xx

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