Chapter 20♥ Ana

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Chapter 20♥ Ana

I still haven't gotten to unpacking my luggage yet and I've been in London for the past two days. Procrastination is one of my major flaws. I remember being in school and doing everything last minute and it still turned out better than most of the other students' work. I was such a good student (kind of).

Niall was acting kind of weird yesterday. Every single time we mentioned the word 'house' or 'move(and/or moving)' he would smirk. It got worse. He started smiling so big that he looked like a Cheshire cat. What is that boy up to... Maybe he will tell us at 1DHQ today. He called us in there to have a meeting and I "absolutely have to be there"(what he said over the phone to Louis).

So I got my lazy butt up at eleven o'clock a.m., put on some decent clothes (picture at sidebar), brushed my teeth, did my hair and make up, etc. I have such a hard life. In my world, it is illegal to get up before noon. Niall was making me break my own rules. How dare he...

So to make him suffer for making me actually get up in the morning, I baked him a cake. A prank cake. I was going to bring it to 1DHQ, give it to him, and watch as he eats a cake full of salt and pepper(instead of sugar), mustard(just for flavoring), and lotion(instead of frosting). To top it all off, I put a layer of mayonaise in the middle as filling. Take that irish boy...

"C'mon, Ana! We need to leave!" Louis yelled from the front door. I shoved the cake in a box and carried it to the door.

"I'll take that from you." The box was taken from my hands and carried off by Liam. I shrugged and walked to the van waiting outside for us. Harry and Zayn were waiting inside the van. I climbed in and sat by Liam.

"That is mine to give to Niall." I grabbed the box from Liam and put it on my lap.

"Why'd you make a cake for Niall anyway?" Louis questioned from beside me.

"Its a prank cake. Duh. Nobody ever wakes me up before noon." An evil smirk played on my lips. The four boys smirked also. They looked like they've been told some serious information.

When we got to 1DHQ, there were fans everywhere.

"Guys, what am I going to do? I don't want the media making stuff up abou me yet! And the fans dont know I've moved back to Englad yet!" I started freaking out

"Woah, woah, woah. Calm down! We had Simon let our fans know that you have moved back to Englad with us. He also made sure that he made it clear that you were to be respected and stuff." Liam calmly explain to me. I let out pent up breath and relaxed.

"Alright." I smiled at the boys. "Lets GOOO!!!"

You know what happens next. Cameras flashing, fans screaming, etc. Luckily, we made it inside the building without losing a single clothing item. We rode the elevator to the floor Niall was on and walking to the room he told us to go to.

"Finally! You guys took forever!" Niall was sitting in the big chair spinning around when we came in. Everyone looked at me.

"What? I wanted to look decent!" I defended myself. There was nothing wrong with taking a little bit of time to look good. Everyone rolled there eyes and sat down on the table. I set the cake box infront up Niall.

"What's this?" He questioned me.

"Oh, just a present from me to you!" I took out the cake and cut him a peice. It looked like a regular cake...

"Mmmm... this looks good! Thanks." He gave me a hug and took a bite of the cake.

That's right, eat the prank cake, irish boy...


Authors note:

This sucks! I know! Im sorry! DONT JUDGE ME!!! D:

Alright, big things comin'. But what could they be????? Who knows... Oh thats right, MEEE! :D

I've been super hyper lately. I dont know why. Maybe its cuz I stay inside all the time and berely ever see the daylight. hmmmmmm....

@IrishCurly_Hair is an awesome person! You guys should totally go fan them and read the book they are writing. It's called "Another World". Lots of people are starting to like their book and maybe you will too :)

Hoped you at least didnt hate this chapter!



-Savannah R xx

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