Chapter 1♥ Ana

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Chapter 1♥ Ana's POV

I sat there on my bed and thought about how my best friend was doing. We have been best friends since kindergarten and we could never live withouteach other. I have to admit, he was horrendously difficult at times, but I loved him all the same. And this isn't just some person that you could find out in public somewhere. I was best friends with the Louis Tomlinson from One Direction.

I was there, waiting backstage when he was put together with Niall, Zayn, Liam, and Harry. My heart swelled with joy as I heard the news. After Louis got to know the boys better, he introduced me to them. I also grew close to them but not as close as I was with Louis.

I still remember when he and I met...

*Flash back*

"We don't like you 'cos your too nice, Ana!" The little girl in the pink dress said to me. Damn, for a five year old, she was mean. Tears streamed down my face as I just stood there getting bullied. I was about a foot taller than her. I was taller than everyone else in my class, but that was bad thing and I had to be bullied for it. (note sarcasm)

"Hey! Leave her alone!" A high pitched boy ran over to me, grabbed my hand and pulled me away to a different part of the playground. I let the boy hold my hand, it felt nice.

"Hi, I'm Ana." I smiled at the brave boy who just saved me from the mean girl. I started thinking of ways I could repay him. I settled on giving him a sucker the following day.

"I'm Louis." The boy said and returned my smile. From then on, we always would be by each other's side.

I forgot to give him the sucker... My bad.

*Flashback mode: off*

And just like that, as if my thoughts had summoned him, my phone rang. The Sass Master from Doncaster was calling me. I loved calling him that even though he hated it. I immediately pressed the green button and held to phone up to my ear.

"Ana." A similar British accent said to me. "I have a message for you from a top secret organization called H.E.Y.B.E.S.T.F.R.I.E.N.D." I spelled it out in my head and realized his joke. I smiled even though he couldn't see. Louis' voice always cheered me up and reminded me about home. Ever since we moved to Canada two years ago I have been dreadfully homesick. Louis' calls and video chats have been the only thing keeping me from going insane. And, well, my teddy bear, Fudge, helped a lot, too.

"What is this message you're talking about?" I leaned back on my headboard, slightly interested.

"They want you to move back to England." He said in a professional tone. I almost started cracking up.

"Sorry, but I'm stuck here with my parents." I said sighing. "What does H.E.Y.B.E.S.T.F.R.I.E.N.D. stand for anyway?" I wanted to see if he actually had thought this all the way through.

"Hello, Earthling, Your, BFF, Earthling, Said, That, Friends, R, Inseparable, Even-though, Norwegians, Disagree."  I burst out laughing. He actually had this planned out. I almost couldn't stop laughing.

"What's up?" Was the first thing I said when I sobbered up from laughing so hard. I popped the 'p'.

"Nothing much. Just wanted to talk to my best friend." I laughed when I heard Harry in the background say 'Hey!' "Sorry man! Your in a tie with Ana."

"Oh, poor Harry." I said sarcastically.

"It's okay, Ana. He has tons of girls wanting to be his #1 B.F.F." I chuckled a bit at his statement.

"I just don't get it." I said as Louis chuckled on the other end of the phone call. "How could anyone obsess over YOU guys. I know you guys better than anyone else and I have tons of reasons to not fan girl over you and the boys." Louis stopped chuckling and snorted at me. Very attractive, Louis.

"You're just jealous!" Louis teased me. I could just imagine him sticking his tongue out at me. I laughed a little. I heard a muffled voice in the background and Louis saying, "Oh! Hey! I'm in the phone with Ana. Wanna say hi to her?" Then he said to me, "Liam wants to talk to you."

"Okay. But first, why is Liam at your guys' flat?" I said a bit confused. I hadn't talked to Liam in quite some time and I was excited to speak with him again.

"Oh. Liam just... needed some help with... something."

"Alright. You can hand the phone over to him now." I was still curious but I dropped it, obviously seeing that it was none of my business.

"Hey, Ana." I recognized the accent of Liam Payne. He sounded a bit sad. Like a part of his usual self was missing...

"Hey Liam! Are you okay? You sound a bit sad..." And when I said that i could hear him wince by the little sound he made. Ok, something was wrong.

"Danielle... broke up..." He didn't even need to finish the sentence for two reasons: 1) He was crying 2) I interrupted him saying:

"She WHAT?!?!?" I basically screamed in the phone. "Oh... next time I come to visit you guys in London I am going to crush her." I said in a protective way. I had always felt the need to be protective with my friends. It was just a personality trait I had.

"No Ana. I'm fine." He didn't sound fine.

"No, you aren't. I'm sorry, babe." I said with a little frown on my face.

"It's okay. It's not your fault anyway."

"I know. I just feel the need to comfort you. I would go straight to London right now, but I can't. My parents don't want me to leave unless, like they die or something. They are too over protective." I said, sounding like a five year old that was whining.

"You're old enough to make your own decisions though." Liam sniffled a little. I felt bad for the poor lad.

"I know I can make my own decisions but I don't want to hurt their feelings. But, bloody hell, they are annoying! I might go mad. Liam, start planning the funeral." I laughed. Liam chuckled a little, but thats all I got from him. I pouted even though he couldn't see me.

"I got to go. I'm giving the phone back to Louis. Bye, Ana." Liam said after he was done chuckling.

"Kay, bye Liam!"

"Heartbreaking isn't it?" Louis said once Liam gave the phone back to him.

"Yah, the poor lad was in love with her. What happened? I swear... I'm pissed at that damn bitch right now."

"Woah, calm down there. She just... found somebody else that could give her a normal life." My knuckles were white, because I had my fists in tight balls.

"I seriously don't care. If she truly loved him, she would have stayed with him." I reasoned.

"True. Well I will talk to you later, best friend." I laughed a little. "We got a photo shoot later so I'll text you after we are done. Okay?"

"Yah sure. Bye."

"Bye!" He held out the 'e' for about five seconds. Then he hung up.

I walked down stairs to see if my mum and dad had come back fron the store yet. I wanted to make sure they were okay.

I walked to the home phone to see if they had left a message. When I picked up the phone, it did have a message on it. I pressed a button to listen to it, expecting it to be my parents. But, I was wrong. It wasn't them. It was the hospital.

I guess Liam did have to start planning a funeral...


Author's note: 

Finally edited it!! :D

I know I got you saying in your head "Who's it gonna be?" Not Telling!!

Hey early update! lol I need some feed back. Was the chapter too short? Was the chapter any good? I hope so! :)

I will hopefully post this Friday like i promised. See you soon! :)

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