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Jennie's POV

The next day I didn't see Jisoo beside me.Maybe she went off for work early.I know how workaholic she is.I was expecting to see a note or text from her,but I didnt see anything.My heart starts to beat madly,my mind overthinking but I erased it.Something's on today but I don't know what.Aishh.Scratch it.I stood up to wake my son up.
"Giddy,it's time to go to school."I whispered to my cute son.
"Later mommy.."
"'ll be late."
"Arghh..fine."He stood up lazily.Following me at the kitchen.To my surprise,there's no dishes on the sink or any marks that she have gone here.Hmm.Why do I feel like something's wrong?Argh.I just cooked some breakfast for my son and eat with him.We took a bath and after that we both went off.I was at the resto.Everyday,Jisoo sents me some cheesy messages like a teenager but to my dismay she didn't send me one.I got nervous all of a sudden,causing me to pull off and go to her office.I didn't see her nor her colleagues either have seen her until one of her close friend,Seulgi approached.
"Have you seen Jisoo?"I asked her.
"Oh yeah.Early this morning she went to our boss' office."
"Yeah.Shes wearing pajamas like she just got up from bed."
"Huh??May I know where your boss's office is?"
"Of course.This way."I followed her.We stopped in an office.She knocked and opened the door."Boss Jisoo's wife is here."
"Okay let her come in."I came in."What do you need?"
"Do you happened to know where Jisoo is?"
"Not exactly but she went here this morning handing me a resignation letter."
"She didn't told you?"
"No!What's her reason?"
"Nothing.She just said she doesn't want the job anymore."
"Gosh.."I left the office and called Chaeng.
"Hello Jennie unnie?"
"Jisoo's missing!"
"Please..please help me."I went to their house.Chaeng and Lisa was there,I think Lisa was in a day off.
"What's your problem unnie?"
"Jisoo..I didn't saw her this morning and she suddenly resigned in her job.I couldn't reach her by phone or any means of communication.Her car was nowhere to be found."
"Did you fight again?"
"No!Last night we've been so happy and just busy cuddling.We didn't have a fight."
"She really did it.."Lisa whispered.
"Nothing.I'll go pick up Lia and I'll pick up Gideon too."She said and left.
"Unnie, we'll find her."

1 week later..

We still can't find her.I was so frustrated,I can't focus enough to my son so he was with my mom for now.
"I still can't find her.What am I going to do?I didn't even know what have I done for her to leave me."I cried at Chaeng's arms.
"I can't do this anymore."Lisa suddenly spoke.
"Your suffering,she's suffering,I can't see you both at this state."
"So you know where she is?"
"Yeah unnie..I'm sorry."
"Where??Where is she?Why didn't you tell me about this?"
"I'm sorry..she told me not to."
"Please,bring me to her."
"Okay."We left Chaeng and went off to her car.It was a long ride.To my shock,it's on Jisoo's province we're heading.I forgot about this.We went down the car and we stopped in a house.
"Ahh!"We heard a shout.Thats Jisoo's!We went upstairs,finding her.All the doors were left open,no one's with her.I saw her at a room,at the floor holding her head while groaning in pain.I can feel it..I should.I went near her and hold her up while she's still closing her eyes tightly, tears forming in her eyes.
"Jichu.."I softly spoke with tears running down my cheeks.

Jisoo's POV

My head really hurts,I was groaning in deep pain in my head,fighting with the other personality I have within me.I can't stand with it anymore,some other  staffs here at our place were being scolded without doing anything wrong.I hate this!
"Ahh!"I shouted.I felt someone hold me,pulling me up.
"Jichu.."I heared a soft voice and I opened my eyes,confirming if I am right.Yeah.I'm right.Its her.

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