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     HOW DID THINGS TURN out like this?

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     HOW DID THINGS TURN out like this?

     In a cold and snowy mountain, is a burgundy-haired boy carrying an unconscious and bloody girl on his back.

     Nezuko... Don't die. Please don't die. I'll definitely save you so don't go dying on me! Because your brother will definitely save you!

     Despite the coldness of the atmosphere, the boy carried his still unconscious sister carefully, until he felt a movement from her.

     He carefully placed the girl on the ground, checking to see if she's already wake. The boy checked his sister and jolted a bit when her eyes opened which was now blood red and has slits.

     The said boy, Tanjiro, gasps when he saw her eyes and when she jumped on him, growling like and trying to bite him like a feral animal. Fortunately, to avoid getting bitten, he uses his hatchet's handle and put it on her mouth as she bit on it.

     Nezuko! W-What is she doing?!

     The girl kept trying to bite Tanjiro, him desperately trying to avoid Nezuko's sharp set of teeeth by backing away.

     A-A demon?

     Then, Saburo's words came to his mind.

     Nezuko... is a human-eating demon? No! that's wrong. Nezuko is a human! Ever since the time she was born...

     Tanjiro, then, sniffed the air as he remembered their family's sight when he got home.

     The smell is different from the normal Nezuko... And her mouth and fingers don't have blood on them!

     A-Another scent is here!

     Nezuko's body is getting bigger and her strength is increasing!

   While Tanjiro was struggling, he felt his sister getting heavier, making it much more harder to prevent the girl from biting him. Then tanjiro remembered why he's at this current situation.

     While I was sleeping in another comfortable house... Everything was, such a cruel thing. However, Nezuko can't force back against this great power!

     "Nezuko!" He called out to his dear sister. "Try your best, Nezuko! Try your best to hold it off! somehow you turned into a demon, pull yourself together! I believe in you! You can do it!"

     Then tears started to flow from the girl's eyes. - when suddenly...

     A man with a black hair came.


     The girl sat on the snow, the cold wind brushing against her cheek as her H/L H/C flowed behind her.

     She was only wearing her kimono, her haori was neatly folded with her sword and kusarigama chained swords near of a tree.

     The girl was wearing a white mask with a slightly creepy smiling face. She let the cold atmosphere surround her, allowing the coldness to engulf her lungs to kill her.

     But it couldn't seem to work.

     The masked girl groaned. She was already used to being in a cold area like where she's now because of where she lives. She was immune. So she stood up, to get ready to leave the said mountain until she tasted the familiar scent of blood in the same mountain as her.

     She looked around and observed the area, tasting the air to find the source. And there, from a certain direction, was where the scent of blood is coming from. So she followed it.

     Upon arriving, she was greeted by a frightening sight. Blood and bodies were everywhere, and from was it seems like, this family used to be a humble one.

     The masked female frowned behind her mask. Then, she was about to leave when she decided to say a short prayer for the family and buried them properly, thinking that no one survived the attack.

     Then she left to find a place where she can die peacefully.

     A few minutes after the girl left, the burgundy haired and his sister came. Tanjiro noticed that the bodies of his family already buried.

     Someone must've come and saw the bodies of his family.

     So he said a short prayer and went on his way to a certain mountain with his muzzled sister.


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