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     That was all Y/N could ever feel. She already stopped crying and shouting over the lost of Makito Akabane. But it doesn't mean that she was already feeling fine once again, it doesn't mean that her heart wasn't clenching in pain so much.

     If ever, she was feeling the worse kind of pain that she've ever felt in her life. She hated it, but she know she can't do anything about it.

     They lost against the upper moon three.

     Tanjiro almost died from a stab wound.

     Rengoku lost an eye.

     She almost got killed by Akaza.

     Lastly, Makito. Right in front of her. She watched as his oh, so beautiful teal eyes turned dull as the life slowly slips away from them. She watched and listened as he rants to her about what he dreamed about, how the both of them got married then had children named Himari and Yoshi. She watched and listened as he tells Tanjiro to take care of her.

     She paused and listened as he slowly leaned to her and gave her a final kiss on the forehead before saying his last words.

     "I will always love you even in the afterlife... Live for me, Y/N L/N."







     Y/N sat alone in her room, clutching the necklace that was given by Makito literally weeks ago before it all went to shit .She felt like she couldn't cry anymore, so she sat on her futon and stared at the ground with a blank face.

     On her usual days, she would be out and be chatting with Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke along with Makito and Nao on her side. But she couldn't do it anymore.

     The Kamaboko squad and the other hashira had tried to visit her, trying to start a conversation with her. But she never once showed her face to anyone ever since that night.

     Her dull E/C irises shifted into a different direction, her eyes landed on her now, cracked mask. And now that she thinks about it, ever since Sakunosuke Oda died by the hands of Akaza, Y/N built up a mask - no, not the white mask that she always wear over her face.

     It was the mask that she shows the others whenever she takes the white mask off. It was her smile, her cheeful and calm demeanor that she wears as if she wasn't in pain. It was the mask that she created mainly for:


     She built up a facade so she wouldn't worry him, even though she often jokes about and attempts commit suicide. She knew how Oda's death affected the boy, too, she knew how painful it was for him since Oda was a brother to Makito.

     She knew how Makito built up a mask with his usual glares and blank face.

     The two of them were the same.

     Wearing a mask to hide their real feelings and with the way they both built up a facade over their faces.

─  𝘌𝘕𝘋.

𝗙𝗔𝗖𝗔𝗗𝗘 ── ( 𝗄𝗂𝗆𝖾𝗍𝗌𝗎 𝗇𝗈 𝗒𝖺𝗂𝖻𝖺 ) ✓Where stories live. Discover now