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     "I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING to teach you

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     "I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING to teach you." The goblin masked elder said while Y/N and Makito stood behind him, facing Tanjiro.


     A year after I arrived at narrow mist mountain, and he suddenly said this...

     "From now on, you're going to have to prove yourself. See if you can improve yourself upon the basics I have taught you." Urokodaki said as he led Tanjiro somewhere, Makito and Y/N still trailing behind them.

     Once they stopped, the burgundy haired male saw a huge boulder in front of them as Urokodaki continued, "if you are able to hack this rock in half, then I will allow you to join the final selection."

     Y/N smiled, as she recalled when her and Makito was training under Urokodaki.


     "Eh?! You expect us to cut this in half?! What, is this only just a piece of paper to you?!" the [hair color]-ette complained.

     Urokodaki, their trainer and master, told her and Makito that he had nothing anymore to teach them and that they have to cut the huge boulder, that stood in front of them, in half with their sword.

     Makito sighed and said, "she's right, sensei. It's a boulder, not a piece of paper or just a small rock."

     Behind his mask, Urokodaki furrowed his eyebrows. "Do you not trust all the process that you've went through and all the training I've taught you?"

     The girl whined, "it's not like that, otōsan!"

     "--I'm not your father," Y/N places her index finger on the elder's lips to shut him off. "Hush, child." Makito and Urokodaki could only deadpan at the girl.

     "As I was saying, we're not doubting what we've learn from you! It's just--"

     Urokodaki pinched her ear. "Shut up and just do it."


     Back to Tanjiro, the boy looked at the boulder in front of them nervously. A sweat running down on his face as he thought, I don't think I can do it. The blade will snap--

     However, his thoughts were interrupted when a hand on his shoulder shook him. Tanjiro turned and saw Y/N's familiar white mask.

     "You can do it, Kamado-kun! If makito and I were able to do it, then you can too. Don't doubt yourself and trust what you've learn from Urokodaki-san."

     Her words seem to work like a magic on the burgundy haired Kamado when he took a deep breath and nodded in determination.

     "Mhm, we'll leave you for now, Kamado-san." Makito said and slightly bowed and left with Y/N and Urokodaki.

     I can do it!


     "Do you think he'll be able to do it?" Makito silently asked the girl beside him as they're on their way back to the elder's house.

     "He'll be fine, Makito. I'm sure he can do it like we did. After all, it was Urokodaki-san who taught him with a bit of our help too." Y/N assured and smirked behind her mask.

     Meanwhile, Urokodaki only hummed in agreement.


     Why can't I do it?

     That same day when his sensei told him to cut the boulder in half, Tanjiro decided that he would train a bit more before doing what he's told.

     Due to this, the boy only comes home at night where Makito, Y/N and Urokodaki are already asleep. Then, he would wake up early to start training again. They even barely see him home which made them slightly worried but trusted him nonetheless as Nao comfirmed that Tanjiro's not in trouble whenever he comes home.

     How, you ask?

     You see, in Urokodaki's household, when Y/N's not busy she would train the wolf to be more discipline. They would train Nao's hunting skills so it wouldn't be a bother for Y/N if ever the wolf comes with her for a mission and with that, Nao can protect himself from demons.

     Now, back to Tanjiro Kamado, who tried to cut the boulder - but failed, sighed in frustration as he thought, I... I can't do it?

     Nezuko will... Maintain her current state and die just like that? Y-Y/N-san, Makito-san and Urokodaki-san's help will just be for nothing?

     Due to Tanjiro's frustration, he wasn't able to hold himself back as he shouted,

     "Ah!! I'm getting depressed! I'm giving up! I need to work harder!" The boy slammed his forehead at the boulder.

     However, Tanjiro flinched when--

     "SHUT UP!"

     "Such as shameful display of a man shouting nonsense."

     And there, a peach haired boy sat on top of the boulder with a wooden knife while wearing a scarred fox mask.

     When did he appear?


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