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     Y/N WOKE UP THE next day feeling much more better than the previous day since she didn't have the time to rest properly after coming to mountain Natagumo

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     Y/N WOKE UP THE next day feeling much more better than the previous day since she didn't have the time to rest properly after coming to mountain Natagumo. The sun passing through the shoji screen in her room, sending a mild heat to their skin.

     The girl tried to sit up on her futon, momentarily pausing upon feeling a small weight on her waist. Turning to the side, she saw a messy mop of white hair. She trailed her irises down to Makito's face, Y/N softly smiles upon seeing his relaxed face as if he has zero ounce of stress and problem.

     Sighing, Y/N gently unwrapped the boy's arm around her waist before standing up and walking out of the room. She washed up her face then walked into the dining area to prepare a morning tea for the both of them.

     But as she was preparing the refreshment, the girl suddenly felt a weight on her shoulder. She glanced with the corner of her eyes and saw a sleepy Makito leaning his forehead on her. Y/N chuckled, reaching over to give him a small pat on his head before proceeding to brew the refreshment.

     After the tea was done, Makito was still leaning on her so she led him to sit on the mat beside the small table. "Here," Y/N says, placing a warm cup of tea in front of the snowy haired boy. "Drink this to help wake yourself up." Then she went back in to prepare breakfast, but then stopped when Makito gently held her wrist.

     She looked at his sleepy face with a puzzled expression. "What is it? I need to make our breakfast." She said. Makito didn't respond and remained holding the girl's wrist. His teal eyes closed as he started to doze off.

     Y/N shook her head as she sighed, unwrapping the boy's hand from her wrist. "Stay there, I'll go make us breakfast. I'll be back in a bit."

     Moments like this weren't really rare for Y/N, but it's not usual as well so she doesn't have difficulties when Makito's...

     Well, not Makito-ish.

     After preparing a simple breakfast for them, Y/N returned with a tray of food on her hands. She carefully placed the tray on the table before sitting on the side. She glanced over at Makito, chuckling as he still has droopy eyes. One of his hand was finally holding the cup of tea, but it seems like he hasn't take a sip even for a bit.

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