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     I BEGAN WRITING A diary today for Nezuko

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     I BEGAN WRITING A diary today for Nezuko.

     I descended the mountain today as well. Training myself hard everyday so that I won't die during the final selection.


     I was slowly able to avoid traps from descending the mountain repeatedly everyday. My stamina was not the only thing that increased. My nose is able to detect smells swifter than before.

     However, the difficulty of the traps began to slowly increase and are filled with a heavy stench of killing intent.

     Also, Y/N-san, that girl with a white mask and a H/L H/C hair, would always help me too. Every night that I would arrive late home because of training. Y/N-san would sometimes look after you too. And I'm really thankful for her for doing that.


     Today, I took my blade with me to descend the mountain. This is really annoying! If my hands were empty then I would get tangled with the traps.

     When I arrived home, Y/N-san was so worried because of the bruises on my arms because of the training. She's really a caring person. Even Makito-san was a bit worried too, but he didn't show it that much. Y/N-san told me that it's because Makito-san is a 'tsundere'.


     Today is sword swinging.

     However, compared to today, it's more like I'm swinging my sword everyday recently. After descending the mountain, I still continue to use my drop dead tied hands to swing repeatedly.


     In the beginning, they told me as well that the blade is easily snapped. even though the force of the strike of swinging vertically is strong, the force of swinging horizontally is very weak.

     When using a blade, one must swing along with the blade. And the direction applies the force to swinging the blade must be exactly the same.

     Also, blades can be word down as well. Which means that if my blade snaps, my bones will snap as well. That's the slight threat that I got from them anyways.


     I asked Y/N-san if she could help me train with my sword. After I overheard her and Makito-san about their missions, I found out that they're already demon slayers! How cool is that?!

     Y/N-san is really strong. She's elegant when she swings her sword. But she's reckless at times too and Makito-san would always scold her for that while Urokodaki-san would pinch her ears. It's a funny sight to see, but a bit worrying too because of Y/N-san's 'suicidal' tendencies.

     Makito-san is strong too! After him and I trained, Y/N-san was worried because of the bruises that Makito-san's wooden sword caused. But I said that it was fine because it's a part of training after all.


     Today is a wrassling festival. A training devised to allow me to get up quickly no matter what position I fell to the ground.

     Y/N-san and Makito-san decided to join me on this one! They're really cool whenever they get up from the ground! Y/N-san's balance is really good and Makito-san's too!


     I held my blade up and swung it at Urokodaki-sensei. Y/N-san and Makito-san was not here because they had a mission, but they'll be returning tomorrow morning.

     Anyways, Urokodaki-sensei uses only his hands, without any weapons. He's really strong. I always fall to the ground after being flung out.


     Y/N-san almost died today, again. She almost got eaten by a bear because she had to protect a baby wolf in her arms. She left her sword back home so Makito-san and I had to find her quickly. And we did, I used my nose to track her scent.

     Nao, the baby wolf that Y/N-san was protecting, was really cute. His eye colors are different from each other. The right one being a blue and the left one is yellow.


     Today, I practiced breathing and positions to do it in.

     Urokodaki-san got angry due to me not putting in strength towards my abdomen and started slapping my stomach.


     Nezuko has lost unconsciousness for almost half a year. Even though urokodaki-san asked for a doctor for a diagnosis immediately, there weren't any signs of irregularity.

     But the fact that she continued to sleep itself shows that something is irregular. I'm afraid... That she would wake up one morning and die just like that.

     That's right... I don't have any time to think anymore.

     My training of descending the mountain needs to be conducted in more dangerous and more oxygen lacking places.

     I thought a bunch of times that I was going to die here. Until--

     "I don't have anymore to teach you."



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