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     "TANJIRO." A FAMILIAR VOICE called for the burgundy haired boy. He turned around to face the owner of the voice.

     Kie Kamado, their mother.

     "Your face is all black, come over here." She gestured her eldest son to come close, then she uses a handkerchief to clean her son's face. "It's dangerous when the snow is falling, so it's okay if you don't go."
     "It's almost new year, and everyone wants to eat to their heart's content. I'll only go sell a little charcoal." tanjiro responds. Kie looked at his son in awe as the corners of her lips curves upward.

     "...Thank you."

     Suddenly, Shigeru along with Hanako and Takeo showed up and walked towards their older brother.

     "Nii-chan! Are you going to the village today?" Shigeru asks with the hint of excitement, wanting to go with their burgundy haired brother. "I want to go too!" Hanako exclaimed.

     Kie walked to the two and put her hands on their heads, "No. you can't walk as fast as Tanjiro can." Takeo and Hanako pouted, desperately wanting to go with their big brother.

     Tanjiro only watched behind as their mother talk to his younger brother and sister.

     "But mom...!!"


     Kie continued, "You can't rest while he gives you a ride, because Tanjiro won't be bringing a cart today."

     Tanjiro joins the conversation. "Takeo, could you chop a few trees? I know you can do with no problem." He said, causing the latter to frown. "But I want to go!"

     After a few talks with his younger siblings, Tanjiro could finally go to the village.

     "Please come back quickly!", "Be careful!" His brothers and sister shouts over, waving their hands.

     All of a sudden, he saw Nezuko as he was on his way down from the mountain.

     "Onii-chan!" The girl calls over. "Nezuko." he turned to his sister and saw their baby brother in the girl's arms. "I just lulled Rokuta to sleep, because he'll start making an uproar."

     Tanjiro smiled down at their baby sibling as Nezuko continues, "He's just lonely because dad died. Looks like every one is stuck to you, brother..."

     After a short talk with his sister, Tanjiro finally continued on his way down to the village.

     "Well, if it isn't Tanjiro-chan?" One of the elder woman asks as soon as they saw the boy. "You really came down from the mountain on a like this, good work." the other complimented.

     "Oh! I want to buy charcoal!" A man came up to Tanjiro.

     But all of a sudden, a man came out from one of the shops with a woman holding the collar of his shirt with a scowl on her face.

     "Tanjiro! I'm glad you're here! Can you please help me?! Please tell her who's the culprit who broke these dishes?!" The man held out the broken dishes to show the burgundy haired boy.

     Tanjiro walked and leaned closer, bringing his nose close to the broken dishes and sniffed. "It smells like a cat." Tanjiro stated, looking at the man and woman in front of him.


     "Really? A cat?"

     As Tanjiro did a short conversation with them about the small incident, the boy caught something with the corner of his eyes.

     A white masked girl with a H/L H/C hair clad in a black kimono and black haori, she also has a bandage wrapped around her neck down to her arms.

     Tanjiro also noticed a boy beside her that has white hair and beautiful teal eyes, wearing a brown uniform with a white and black gradient haori. The male Kamado noticed that they also both have swords attached on their hips.

     It seems like the boy was scolding the girl about something that Tanjiro can't hear due to the distance between them. Something about the girl caught Tanjiro's attention but he can't seem to pinpoint it.

     Tanjiro didn't seem to notice that he was staring until the masked girl snapped her head towards his direction.

     "Do you need something?" The girl asked as soon as her and her companion walked towards Tanjiro. Blood rushed up on the boy's cheeks from embarassment. "A-Ah, no. I apologize for staring."

     The girl smiled behind her mask, momentarily forgetting the fact that he can't see her face.

     "Hey, let's go." Tanjiro and the girl turned to her companion. The masked girl didn't say anything and just noddded before sparing a glance to the burgundy haired male then turned and walked away with her friend.

     Tanjiro just shook his head and decided to forget what happened, then later on continued to sell charcoals.


     "Will you stop attempting to kill yourself every time we go on a mission?! I can't always come up to you and stop whatever you're doing!" The white haired boy scolded the girl beside him.

     "Well, you're not supposed to save me, Makito. What's the point of killing myself purposely if you're going to save me?" The [hair color]-ette retorts.

     Suddenly, she felt a pain on the back of her head.

     "Ow! Makito, what was that for?!" She puts her hand on the aching part of her head. "Then stop killing yourself purposely so I won't have to save you!" The boy frowned.

     The girl groaned. "Whatever, makito." She said as she playfully rolled her E/C irises. But then, she suddenly tasted the sudden change of her friend's mood.

     "Y/N, I'm serious. Stop it." makito stated with a firm, yet soft voice. Y/N became serious as well but decided to remain silent.

     Makito sighed, "Let's go."

     Then they continued to walk to where they're supposed to go.


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