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     "HE'S AN IDIOT." Y/N sighed behind her mask, her lips curled into an amused smile. Beside her, Makito nodded as before shaking his head in disappointment.

     Suddenly, guards came running towards the demon slayers' direction, yelling. "What are you guys doing?!" Their eyes widened as they started to panic. Tanjiro and Zenitsu immediately pulled inosuke from slamming his head on the train even more before running. Nao was trailing behind them as well.

     The guards paused, focusing their visions on the certain object attached to their hips. "Ah, they have swords! Police, call the police!" The five demon hunters ran, Zenitsu was strangling Inosuke for attracting unwanted attention from the people, while Y/N had a wide smile on her face as they ran.

     "Crap, crap, crap!" Zenitsu cried. "Run for it!"

     The girl laughed. "This is exciting!" Y/N cheered, earning a look of disbelief from Makito as he runs beside her. "Not the time, Y/N!" When they were finally far enough from the guards, they stopped running to catch their breaths.

     Zenitsu turned to inosuke and tanjiro, his eyebrows furrowed as he scolded them. Y/N almost laughed at the scene, it was like a father scolding his children. "We demon slayers are part of an organization that isn't officially recognized by the government. We can't really walk around while having our swords so out in the open."

     Y/N and Makito nodded, "he's right. Y/N and me have been there before. Even if you talk about demons, they won't believe you for the most part since most of them doesn't have encounters with demons,"

     "That's why walking around with swords would cause panic and chaos." Y/N finished the white haired boy's sentence.

     Tanjiro frowned. "But we're giving the best we can..." Y/N shook her head as she started to move her sword around in her haori to hide them, her kusarigama blades secured behind her. "Well, I hate to break it to you, Tanji. But we can't do much about it. Let's just hide our swords on our backs or in our haori for now."

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