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    AS SOON AS THE burgundy haired Kamado went unconscious, Urokodaki looks over at the newly arrived white masked girl and her companion

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    AS SOON AS THE burgundy haired Kamado went unconscious, Urokodaki looks over at the newly arrived white masked girl and her companion.

    "I thought I told your crows not to come for the mean time?"

     Y/N lifts up her mask and dramatically gasps. "And why would we do follow that?"

     "More like 'why would she follow that'." Makito scoffed.

     "Hey! You're here too so don't act like I'm the only one who didn't follow his orders!" the [hair color]-ette scowled. Makito ignored him and looked at Tanjiro's unconscious body on the floor. "Are we just going to ignore him or...?"

    Urokodaki sighed and shook his head as he picked up Tanjiro to place him on his futon beside his sister.


    Demon killing corps... Their numbers are around a few hundred. Nobody knows who is leading this band of demon hunters... Still shrouded in mystery.

    They're an organization that is not acknowledged by the government. However, they still exist and continue to kill demons.


    They have powerful physical abilities and even when injured, they are able to immediately heal themselves. Body parts hacked off will still have some sort of connection and they are able to grow completely new arms and legs.

    When they were first born or where they came from is still unknown... There also exist demons that have incredible ability to change their body structure.

    If one does not use a blade of special quality, even after chopping the demon's head off, the demon won't die.

    The demon slayer corps fights the demon with their mortal flesh and blood. Due to them being humans, their injures recover slow and lost limbs will never regrow...

    Even so, they still fight the demons for humanity.


    Tanjiro was abruptly woken up by a loud noise outside of the room he's occupying. He carefully stood up and slowly opened the door. The burgundy haired male looked at what's happening with dotted eyes.

    There was Y/N, hanging upside down with Urokodaki's house ceiling.

    "Get down here, young lady!" Urokodaki shouts, trying to reach the female. Y/N, who's still with her mask on, only giggled and replied, "no."

    Makito at the side, only sighed and shook his head. Already used to the girl's antics. Then the white haired boy looked to his side and saw Tanjiro looking confused.

    "Oh, you're awake." This seems to catch Y/N and Urokodaki's attention. The said boy only nods, not knowing what to say as Y/N got down to the floor at the same time and looked at him.

    Tanjiro and Y/N stared at each other until the boy's eyes widened in recognition. "Oh! It's you!"

    The [hair color]-ette tilted her head, "me?"

    "You both have met before?" Urokodaki butts in. "Yes, the one I saw at the village." Tanjiro answered.

    Y/N pauses for a minute until she lets out an, "oh! Yes, I remember now! You were the one who's staring at me!" At this statement, Tanjiro couldn't help but to blush in embarrasment and sheepishly look away.

    "Anyways, what's your name again? Tangerine? Gonpachiro? I forgot what Urokodaki-san said earlier."

    "I-It's Tanjiro. Tanjiro Kamado." He stuttered. "Oh, well then, Kamado-kun, I want to tell and ask you something."

    Oh no... Urokodaki and Makito sweatdropped as if they already figured out what is about to happen..

    "What is it?"

    "You are a beautiful man..." Y/N walks closer to him and hold his hands as Tanjiro blushed at the same time with widened irises.

    "You are a man as alluring and as a lotus blossom..." Y/N paused and lifted her mask a little to at least show her smirk while Tanjiro felt like exploding because of what the girl has been saying.

    Then, Y/N continued. "Would you be willing to join me in a double suicide--" Tanjiro now, awkwardly stood there with dotted eyes, processing her words.


    Then there's Urokodaki and Makito, eyes twitching in annoyance because of the girl's antics. They awkwardly and quietly stood there until Y/N, yelped in pain. Makito hit her head with the sheath of his nichirin sword.

    "Ow! Makito, that hurts you--!"

    "You deserve it, though."

     "That's enough." Urokodaki interrupted and turned to the burgundy haired boy.

    "Are you ready to train?"


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