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     Y/N SAT ON THE ground as she watched Makito and Oda swordfighting with wooden sticks

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     Y/N SAT ON THE ground as she watched Makito and Oda swordfighting with wooden sticks. She watches them with a smile, contentment plastered on her face. She was happy because the life she desires so much is finally happening.

     But then, her sudden mood changed when she remembers Tanjiro and their friends. She wonders how are they doing, or if are they even alive in this place? Were they in a similar place where they could be with their families again?

     Oda cheered loudly when he won the match for the second time against Makito, who was giving him a funny look before shaking his head. "That was just the second time, and I already won over you for three times."

     The brunette boy scowls at him, "hey, don't ruin my fun, snow boy!" Makito scowls at the nickname as well, while Y/N was laughing at them. Oda turned to her with a smile, taking Makito's wooden stick and handing it to her.

     "Here, wanna try going against me?" He asks in a challenging tone. Y/N smirked, knowing well that she has a high chance of winning after training for years to be a skilled swordswoman.

     "Sure." She nodded and stood up, brushing off the soil from her bottom before taking the wooden stick from his hand and firmly grips it.

     She went into her usual stance, her stance where she will be able to block, dodge or swing her stick perfectly with no false moves. Makito moves to the side to watch them, crossing his arms with a relaxed face.

     Oda gave her a look, Y/N nodding in return as they started the fight. However, Y/N suddenly pauses, almost getting hit by the stick if the brunette boy didn't stop right in time. "Oh shit! Hey, why'd you stop?" He asks.

     Y/N quickly shushed him, placing her index finger in front of her lips. Makito furrowed his eyebrows, trying to listen on what the girl was hearing. "What is it?" He asked in a hushed tone.

     The girl looks at him, confused. Can't they hear it?

     Y/N pauses again then carefully looks around. She saw a sudden movement from one of the bushes so she followed it in an instant to catch up on whoever was spying on them, ignoring the shouts from Oda and Makito telling her to come back.

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