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     "SHADOW BREATHING, fourth form, pitch black: advance!" Y/N bursts forward towards the demon at an alarming speed and decapitated it in an instant, not giving the demon enough time to perform its attack

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     "SHADOW BREATHING, fourth form, pitch black: advance!" Y/N bursts forward towards the demon at an alarming speed and decapitated it in an instant, not giving the demon enough time to perform its attack.

     "That's the last one, right?" Makito asks as he walks closer to Y/N. The masked girl lifts up her mask, showing the bottom half of her face and smiled. "Yeah. Are we done for the day?" she asks, putting her sword back to its sheath.

     The boy shrugs. "Maybe. Hey Tora, can we go back now?" Makito lifts his head up and looked at his kasugai crow.

     "Ca caw! Yes! You can return now!" Tora caws.

     "Well, that's your answer. Let's go, Y/N." Makito starts to fix his haori and walk away. But he immediately stops when he noticed that his companion didn't move from her spot.

     "Y/N?" He called out.

     The girl looked up, "Mhm?" Then innocently hums. Makito nodded his head forward, "Let's go, we're done here."

     Y/N frowns. "Eh? Can we not go back yet? Let's explore here!" She excitedly suggested. Makito sighed, "Fine, only exploring, okay? No suicide attempts." He firmly said, walking back to the girl's side.

     Y/N internally groaned and exclaimed before walking away, "No promises!"

     The white haired boy frowned deeply as he thought to himself. Y/N, you still have me so why do you have to do this?'


     After selling charcoals, it was finally time to go back home for Tanjiro. It's getting late... He thought to himself as he silently walked towards the mountain.

     Suddenly, he heard someone calling to him. "Hey, Tanjiro! are you going back to the mountain?"

     The boy turned his head to their direction and raised his eyebrows in a questioning manner. "Saburo-san? Yes, I am."

     Saburo's expression darkened as he said, "You can't, it's dangerous." Tanjiro's head tilted to the side in a quizzed manner. "My nose can smell anything, I'll be fine."

     "I'll let you stay the night here, come." Saburo offered, ignoring the young boy's words.

     However, Tanjiro wanted to refuse. "But..."

     Saburo quickly interjected and cut him off. "Enough of that, come here," the adult told the boy in a stern way. Momentarily pausing to looking around cautiously.

     Then he continued, "The demon will appear."


     Staying and exploring the mountain was a big mistake. How come Makito didn't notice it?

     Him and Y/N just got separated. He promised himself to look out for the masked female, making sure that she won't do anything that'll involve committing suicide.

     "Y/N! Y/N!" He called out. Unlike her, Makito doesn't have a heightened sense of some sort so looking for his suicidal maniac friend will definitely be hard.

     Makito sighed. "Once I find you, I'll kill you myself, fucking Y/N L/N." He shook his head in disappointment, knowing that there's a possibility that she'll do something stupid.

     But what he doesn't know was that Y/N didn't purposely left him. She accidentally got lost.

     But of course, she was fine with it.

     Y/N walked aimlessly in the mountain, not minding how cold it is. Oh! That tree looks nice! Maybe I should bring a rope here next time! Oh, oh! Or maybe I should find a poisonous blueberry? She thought to herself.

     But she suddenly snapped out of her thoughts when a certain burgundy haired male's face flashed in her mind.

     Blood rushed up to her cheeks as she thought about Tanjiro. Not gonna lie, he looks cute. How old is he, though? He looks like mine and Makito's age. His scar on his forehead is cool, oh! And his long hair... Y/N stopped and exaggerately gasps as a magnificent thought came in her mind.

     Maybe I should ask him to commit double suicide with me?!

     Y/N internally squealed as she continues to fantasize about Tanjiro committing double suicide with her.

     But then again, she halted when she remembered her white haired friend.

     Makito's gonna kill me once we find each other! Well, he won't kill me if I do it myself first!


    "Since long time ago, human-eating demons have to prowl at days end. Because of that, it's a problem to walk around at night. You'll be eaten, it's best if you sleep here and wake up early tomorrow and return home." Saburo stated as he let Tanjiro eat and listen to him.

     When Tanjiro finished eating, Saburo offered him a futon where he can sleep.

     "Can the oni... not enter houses?" Tanjiro asks as he laid down on the futon, staring at Saburo's back.

     "No. They can enter."

     Tanjiro nodded several times as tiredness hit him, still trying to engage a conversation about demons. "In that case... Everyone... Eaten by demons..." Then everything went black for Tanjiro as sleep finally swallowed his consciousness.

     At the same night, Makito gave up looking for Y/N but he was still feeling worried for the female, knowing how clumsy and crazy she can get.

     Goddamn it, Y/N. It's night time already, where are you?

     Then Makito climbed up on a tree where he can spend the night. But I know she can survive a night without me. She better or I'll kill her myself if she gets eaten by a demon.

     As for Y/N, she found a cave to stay for the night. She made sure that there are no demons in the cave before coming in and laid her back on the wall.

     Where's Ryu when you need him?! If only he was with us, Makito and I won't be separated. She thought as her sparrow came in her mind.

     Please be safe, Makito.

     Then she closed her eyes to finally rest for the night, but still made sure to be cautious of her surrounding.


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