Chapter 1: Here we go

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***Cover photo is not mine, and neither is Naruto. 

Sasuke spun a sleek black kunai in his hand. His eyes bled red as he stared at the crinkled paper before him. What once must have been an extravagant scroll is now a scrawny piece of paper, browned and faded at the edges. The sheet itself must have been a million years old, only preserved due to the skilled handiwork of a Fuinjustu master.

Sighing, Sasuke gave up on trying to decipher Naruto's intentions of bringing the flimsy piece of trash to him. Notably annoyed, he glanced up at the blonde's eager face, raising an eyebrow in a silent question. Grinning wide, the bubbly teen responded to Sasuke's suspicion with a loud laugh.

"Neh, teme, isn't it cool? The damned thing must be thousands of years old! I mean, look how wrinkled it is even when preserved in a seal at the bottom of the ocean!" Exasperated, the raven looked over to the pink haired girl leaning on a tree across the duo, silently asking for help.

Sakura shrugged, eyes glinting curiously as she peeked at the scroll. "Naruto, how is this going to help us? And what were you doing at the bottom of an ocean anyways?" The blonde pouted, looking up at the girl with wide eyes.

"Don't be a party pooper like Sasuke, Sakura. Kurama told me that if I went down there I would find something of use to me. So I went down, and boom, this thing popped up!" Sasuke narrowed his eyes, warily poking at the edge of the scroll with his kunai.

"Naruto, why would this scrawny piece of trash be of any use to you? What exactly are you planning?" The raven shot an accusing glare at him. "Eh, well..." Naruto sheepishly smiled. "Kurama said that it contained a jutsu that would..." The last words he mumbled to the ground.

"Speak up, dobe." Said dobe frowned at Sasuke. Naruto furrowed his brow, voice dropping to a low tone. "Do you guys remember when Kaguya came and nearly took over the world?"

With those words, a solemn silence fell upon the trio. Sasuke's eyes darkened, and Sakura looked away, unable to face her teammates. Nobody spoke a word, both of them waiting for Naruto to continue.

"Well it got me thinking. Everyone's lost so many people over pointless things. The village was destroyed, and so many people died." Naruto's voice grew sad as he continued. "Neji, Ero-sannin, Itachi, and..."

He didn't say it out loud, but they all knew what name he was going to voice. "Kakashi-sensei." Sakura whispered to herself. The trio shared a moment of grief, neither of them gathering the guts to speak up again.

Wordlessly, Naruto handed the scroll to Sasuke, nudging him on. A stern look told Naruto that Sasuke didn't like it, but would do it anyways. Grimly, the raven skimmed over the paper, before biting his thumb and placing a smear of blood on the old parchment.

Suddenly a flash of light engulfed him, Sasuke's chakra spiking in alarm before disappearing altogether. The other two could only stare in disbelief as Sasuke, who had been sitting next to them a few seconds prior, was gone. The paper he was holding fluttered to the ground, settling among the grass.

After the initial shock passed, the pinkette turned her gaze to the blonde across from her, anger bubbling in her eyes.

"NARUTO!" Sakura screeched. "What exactly did that scroll do? Where is Sasuke? Did you kill him? I swear to god I am going to beat you for this!" The blonde scrambled to defend himself, squawking out a reply. "Sakura, I swear he's fine! I think! I don't know, Kurama didn't say anything about him disappearing in a flash of light!"

Sakura glared at Naruto, snatching the piece of paper from off the floor. "I am confiscating this. What the hell was it supposed to do anyways?" Naruto averted his eyes, laughing nervously.

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