Chapter 19

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Kakashi was a terrible sensei. He already knew this of course, it was why he didn't want to be one in the first place. Still, he couldn't fathom how, exactly, he had managed to lose all three of his students, who were still genin mind you.

And if that wasn't already a punch to the gut, he was now aimlessly following around a group of thirteen year olds in a fruitless attempt to find his team.

"SUIGETSU!" Karin screeched. "Where the HELL are we?"

"FOR THE LAST TIME KARIN, I DON'T KNOW!!" The albino yelled back. "You're the one who wanted to go through this stupid forest!"

Karin bonked him on the head. "It's a SHORTCUT!" Suigestu rolled his eyes, muttering under his breath, "Not much of a shortcut if we get lost every 3 seconds."

Karin lunged at him, and their travels were one again interrupted by the two kids brawling it out on the forest floor. Kakashi sighed. How in the world did he get himself into this situation?

Meanwhile, in the same forest, a few hundred yards or so to the west, Itachi grimaced. "Why, again, must we do this?"

Sakura stuck her tongue out at him. "Why do you think? You can't just waltz into Konoha unannounced. Everyone would lose their shit!" Sasuke snorted at the idea. He wouldn't be against giving the citizens of Konoha a damn good fright.

Itachi sighed. "No, I understand that part. What I don't understand is why I can't just henge." Sakura giggled. "Now, now Itachi. What's the fun in that? Don't you want to dress up a little?"

"Not particularly." 'Especially when it involves dying my hair hot pink.' He thought, a grimace on his face.

Speaking of hair, Naruto was sitting off to the side mourning his hair. "Sasukee-" He whined. "Look what you did to my precious."

Sakura hummed, hands coated with pink dye. "If you ask me, he did us all a favor. Maybe now you'll finally agree to go to the barber. Itachi, lie back down." Itachi groaned, begrudgingly laying down again. He swore this girl had Byakugan or something.

"Alrighty then!" Sakura chirped. "We just have to wait thirty minutes and then we can rinse the dye out." She flashed a manic grin. "Now it's time for makeup."

For the first time since he found out Sasuke knew everything- and still accepted him, Itachi seriously regretted his decision to stick by his little brother.

Itachi turned towards his little brother, taking in the tense posture and creased forehead. He sighed, closing his eyes to allow Sakura to powder his face as she pleased.

He knew Sasuke still did not forgive him for breaking their family apart. He never expected him to. The second he slit their parents' throats, he resigned to his fate in the shadows, forever resented by his little brother.

But then Sasuke showed up with a bang, effectively surprising Itachi and destroying all his plans for the future, his plans to fall by Sasuke's sword. Itachi gulped.

He still didn't believe that he deserved this- knew he didn't- but now he really has no choice. He has to fight down this overwhelming guilt threatening to burst every time he opens his mouth. For Sasuke. Always for Sasuke.

"Done!" Sakura's enthusiastic voice brought him out of his thoughts. "Now for the contacts! Once we put these on, no one will recognize you!"

Itachi blinked open his eyes, taking in the pinkette's trained gaze on him, careful and calculating. It was clear she didn't trust him, and neither did the blonde, if the way he subtly shot glances at him and Sasuke were any sign.

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