Chapter 20

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Kakashi's eye twitched. "Naruto, Sakura..." He said warningly. "What is going on?" His students exchanged a look. Sakura motioned towards Kakashi with her head, glaring intently at Naruto.

The blonde shook his head furiously. Sakura raised her eyebrows as if saying, 'You got us into this mess, now take accountability for it.'

Naruto sighed, turning to Kakashi, who had his arms crossed, staring down at his student. He laughed sheepishly, rubbing at the back of his head. "Well you see, um- Isortafoundajutsuatthebottomoftheoceanliketenorsoyearsfromnowandaccidentallygotusallsentintothepast."

Kakashi blinked. "What?" Naruto took a deep breath and said it again, only this time much slower. When Kakashi still stared at him as if he had grown three heads, Naruto opted to tell him the story from the beginning, when Kaguya attacked.

As the story finished, Gaara stared with wide eyes, and Itachi looked solemn, staring down at his partially made flower crown. The redhead frowned. "I'm... the Kazekage? In the future?"

Naruto nodded, watching him curiously for any signs of reaction. Gaara frowned, looking up to Sasuke. "Is this why you were so adamant about me staying in Suna and becoming the Kazekage?"

Sasuke hesitantly opened his mouth, thoroughly thinking over his words before speaking. "Gaara, you were... one of the best rulers that I have ever seen, even if we sort of hated each other's guts. I... I didn't want to think about what would happen if another took the place of Kazekage."

Gaara blinked up at him, wide eyed and innocent. "Why did we hate each other's guts?" Sasuke winced. "It largely had to do with Naruto, and some stupid shit that I did that you couldnt forgive me for."

Sensing Sasuke's discomfort, Gaara nodded, leaving it at that.

"So." A familiar drawl echoed in Team 7's ears. "You expect me to believe that outrageous story you just told me?"

Sakura shrugged. "Believe it or not, Kakashi-sensei, you have to admit it would explain our weird behaviors." The copy-nin narrowed his eyes.

"So the whole insulting your opponents fashion sense thing was the result of a jutsu that, what? Brought out your least dominant personality traits?"

Sasuke flushed red at the mention of his fight at the chunin exams, while Sakura hummed thoughtfully. "You know, that might just actually be it."

"Ahaha, about that..." All heads turned to Naruto. "I might sort of already know why we're acting up like that."

Sasuke took a deep breath. "You- WHAT?!"

Naruto laughed nervously. "Well you see, after the fiasco at your old house, I asked Kurama what was going on and he told me more or less what he knew about the scroll."

Sasuke frowned, "You were in my house?" He shook his head, "No, nevermind, don't answer that. What I want to know is why the HELL didn't you tell us?"

The blonde pursed his lips. "Er, I forgot?"

That was the last straw. Sasuke snapped, lunging at Naruto. The boy let out a high pitched scream as he scrambled away from the furious brunette.

Sakura rolled her eyes. "And I thought I was the little girl." Growing annoyed, she bonked both of them on the head as they raced past her."

"Sasuke, sit down and shut up for once in your life. Naruto. What the hell did Kurama tell you?" The girl's tone was commanding, and Kakashi watched Naruto and Sasuke scramble to obey her with a look of awe on his face.

Sasuke scowled, sitting on the grass a couple of feet in front of Itachi and Gaara. "Spit it out dobe." Naruto grinned.

"So you know how we've been saying weird stuff all the time?"

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