Chapter 12

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Fair warning, this chapter is a bit heavy. Just letting you guys know in advance. There's some heavy language and some pretty damn heavy feelings too. 

Kurenai stood in front of the Hokage's desk, gaze steadily trained on the new Hokage. Tsunade was frowning, deeply contemplating the information given to her. With a sigh, she quickly reviewed, "So you're telling me you and your genin team ran into the rogue Uchiha in Suna?"

Kurenai nodded. "And you didn't pursue him?" The black haired woman narrowed her eyes at the Hokage. "If I were to pursue him, it would have placed both me and my team in danger had we come in contact with one of Orochimaru's people."

Tsunade bit her lip. "Fine. I need your students to write a full mission statement. I want to know exactly what was said on both sides. The Uchiha may have accidentally let something slip." Kurenai nodded diligently.

"Of course. I will inform my team, Hokage-sama." The Hokage just shook her head. "You're dismissed." With one last nod of her head, the woman complied, shunshining away. As soon as she left, Tsunade sighed, reaching under her desk for a bottle of sake.

As she popped open the bottle, she weighed the benefits of telling Naruto about Sasuke's reappearance, and in Suna no less. Speaking of Suna...

Tsunade groaned as she fished out a piece of paper and ink from her drawer. She would have to inform Suna about Sasuke. Pen over paper, she hesitated briefly, asking herself who the letter should be addressed to, as Suna had not appointed a new Kazekage yet.

With a sigh, she decided to send a letter to one of the Suna siblings. 'I really don't want to deal with a council right now. Bunch of old freaks making decisions.' She thought grimly as she quickly drafted out a letter, attaching it to the leg of a messaging hawk.

The bird squawked at her, before abruptly flying away. Tsunade nonchalantly brought the bottle of sake back up to her face, the gears in her mind turning much too quickly for her liking.


Temari tapped her foot impatiently. According to the Uchiha's letter, he should have arrived hours ago. She couldn't help but worry as to what might've happened.

Next to her, her brother scowled at her excessive fidgeting. He huffed out, "Oi, stop it will you? You're starting to make me nervous too." The blonde frowned. "Well Sasuke said that he and Gaara would be here a couple of hours ago! What if they ran into trouble?"

The brunette snorted at her. "Trouble? We're talking about the thirteen year old kid who managed to get a tailed-beast under control. I think he'll be fine." Temari sighed, opting out of responding.

The temporary silence was interrupted with a light tapping on the window. Spotting a brown feathered hawk on the windowsill, Temari practically launched herself towards the window, opening it as quickly as she could.

A closer look at the bird told her it wasn't Sasuke's hawk, and her stomach dropped in disappointment. The bird twittered at her sudden lack of enthusiasm, dropping the letter inside and taking off.

With a shake of her head, the blonde opened the scroll, eyes widening at it's contents. Kankuro leaned over curiously. "What's it say?" Temari smacked her head, thrusting the paper at her brother.

"Sasuke got spotted. That damned idiot. We're lucky Konoha's damn shinobi didn't recognize Gaara with him, or else we would have been seriously screwed." Kankuro nodded dumbly, eyes still skimming over the information.

His face adopted a confused look as the rest of the words written settled in his mind. "What the hell were Sasuke and Gaara doing in the Suna shopping district?" Temari groaned, plopping down on the nearest chair. "I don't know, and frankly, I don't particularly want to know."

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