Chapter 6

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Karin slowly inched open the door to Sasuke's room. With a sigh, she stepped in, closing it behind her. The room had a simple navy blue theme, with dark oak floors. The bed was made perfectly, and the desk neat and organized. There wasn't a speck of dust on the floor.

Sitting on top of the bluish black sheets was Sasuke. His legs were dangling across the edge of the bed. Resting his elbows on his knees, his face was buried in his hands. Karin shot him a sympathetic look, crawling onto the bed.

She sat on her knees, placing her hand on the small of Sasuke's back. The boy groaned at her, tucking his hands under his chin. Karin sighed, looking up at the door on the other side of the room. "Well that was... emotional."

Sasuke furrowed his brow. "Hn." Karin dropped her hand, leaning back onto her forearms. "Are you going to tell me what it's about?" Sasuke shook his head. "I can't." Karin frowned. "Can't or won't"

"Both." Karin hummed. "Family issues?" Sasuke let out a dry laugh. "Not just issues. My entire family needs serious therapy. Including me." The redheaded girl grinned at him. "I'm glad you're aware."

Sasuke sighed, sliding off the bed. "I should probably apologize to Gaara's siblings." The other shrugged. "In your defence, the fact that they just stood by terrified of their own brother is a bit messed up."

"It's not their fault. They're kids. They were scared, and the adults were scum." The Uchiha sighed. "Same goes for him. He was only thirteen, I'm sure he was terrified as well." Karin frowned. "Was he your brother?"

Sasuke exhaled sharply. "I guess you could call him that. Our relationship is honestly so twisted I don't know what we are." The boy glanced at Karin, taking in her thoughtful look. "Sometimes I wish I could turn back time. Back to before the Uchiha massacre even occurred."

He scowled. 'How ironic is it that I actually managed to, only to figure out that all the shit already happened?' Karin laughed, not noticing his scowl. "I think we all wish that." Sasuke stood awkwardly, the silence in the room pounding at his ears.

He turned towards the door. "We should check and see if Gaara woke up." Karin nodded her agreement, jumping off the bed. "Sure!" She chirped, following Sasuke out.

Temari and Kankuro were still in the room where Gaara had passed out. Temari was still knelt to the ground, cradling her little brother's head while she tried to wake him up. Kankuro was silently leaning against the wall behind her.

The door opened with a click. Both siblings turned to the sound, giving Sasuke wary glances when he emerged. Wincing at their distrustful looks, Sasuke turned towards Gaara, ignoring the way Temari inched back from him.

Rolling his eyes, Sasuke put his hands up in surrender. "Listen all I did was help him with Shukaku. He should be able to sleep easier without the annoying beast bothering him." The tension in the brunette's shoulders eased, but Temari was still glaring.

Sasuke returned the glare with equal force. "I'm sorry for what I said. It was wrong of me to push my own family problems onto yours. But if you plan to run away from Gaara every time things get dangerous, you and him would be better off if you left him alone."

Temari's voice softened, and the anger dissipated from her eyes. "I'll try. We've always been taught that Gaara was dangerous, a double edged sword. I guess somewhere in all the excitement I forgot he was just a kid."

Sasuke offered her a small grin, dropping his hands to his sides. "Alright fine. I guess that's all I can really ask for. Can i?" He gestured to Gaara. Temari hesitated, before letting go of the redhead and scooting back next to Kankuro.

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