Chapter 16

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Naruto's mouth dropped open. "What?"

Sasuke pinched his lips together. "What what? I didn't hear anything? Did you?" Sakura made a bubble in her mouth, trying desperately to shut up.

The blonde rolled his eyes. "WhAt wHAt? I dIDn't HeaR anYthIng?" He mocked. "Shut yo mouth, I heard you call me hot. Explain that." Sasuke's eyebrows flew to the top of his head. "What did you just say to me?"

Naruto looked away sheepishly. "Sorry." He murmured, face red with embarrassment. Sasuke opened his mouth, before realizing that was a mistake. "Just because you're hot doesn't mean you still don't have the intelligence of a turkey."

NAruto gasped, offended. "Me? Intelligence of a turkey? I'll have you know I am smarter than you, Mr. Oh I wAnT rEvENge oN mY EmoTIOnaLLy cOnstiPATed BRotHer!"

Sasuke placed a hand on his chest, mouth dropping open. "That was a low blow, you clumsy ass GoRillA."

"BWAHAHHAHAHHAHHA!" The two teammates turned towards Sakura. "I- HAHAHHAHAH- I CAN'T- BWAHAHAHAH!" Sasuke turned his nose up to the air. "Might I ask what's so funny, you pink banshee?"

Sakura reeled back in shock, before going right back to laughing again. "I- wheeze- I HAVE NO IDEA- giggle- HELP-" She doubled over, hands clutching her stomach.

Naruto shook his head. "oH gIggLE gIGGle- HElp mE! Can you two just shut up? My ears are practically bleeding." Sasuke scoffed. "As if you're one to talk. Always yakking my ear off like some kind of stand up comedian wanna be."

The raven rolled his eyes, placing a hand on his hip to achieve ultimate sass mode. Naruto made a face, before shoving his palm into Sasuke's face. "Talk to the hand, you revenge obsessed attention wh-"

Sakura cut him off with an abruptly loud snort. Ignoring the girl, Sasuke opened his mouth. "Well at least I wasn't a fashion disaster for literally all of my pathetic lif-"

"What the hell is going on here?" A deep voice echoes across the wall. Team 7 turned around to find their sensei staring at them with a bewildered look on his face. "What has gotten into you three?"

Sakura guffawed. She slapped both hands onto her cheeks. "Sorry," she said, grimacing. Naruto gulped. "Yea sorry. I don't know what came over me, honestly. It's like I had no control over my mouth."

Sasuke hmphed, turning his head to the side. "Well I'm not sorry. He deserved every word I said."

Karin, who had been previously watching the entire situation with wide eyes, bonked Sasuke on the head. The raven blinked, seemingly having come to his senses. He cursed, looking up at his team with apologetic eyes.

"I apologize as well." He said, before pausing. 'Wait a second.' He whipped his head around, Naruto's previous words echoing in his head. 'Yea sorry. I don't know what came over me... It's like I had no control over my mouth.'

Suddenly everything clicked. Sasuke growled, lunging at Naruto and knocking him to the ground. "YOU LITTLE SHIT-"

Naruto yelped in pain. He tried to defend himself, but his arms were pinned to the floor beneath him. "What did I do?!" He managed to yell before Sasuke punched him square in the stomach, knocking the breath out of him.

Naruto wheezed. Kakashi dropped his head into his hands, muttering, "Why oh why did I get placed with this dumbass team?" Against her will, Sakura's giggles started up again as well.

Back to Naruto, he was currently yelling at Sasuke, who was also yelling something incomprehensible at him in turn. "WHAT THE HELL DID I DO?!"


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