Chapter 3

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Sasuke looked around the same clearing Team 7 usually met for training. Much to his surprise, his sensei was already there, casually leaning against a tree. As usual, his world famous book was out and in his hands.

When Sasuke approached, Kakashi raised an eyebrow. "You're late. By 2 hours." The raven shrugged. "I didn't think you would be here until 10." That got a chuckle out of the Copy-nin. "I suppose that's fair. But you shouldn't make a habit of being late. This next month, I expect you to be here at seven sharp daily."

Sasuke nodded. "Fine. What are we doing then?" Kakashi gave a closed eye smile. "Since you were late, hmm. Run around the city 20 times." Sasuke narrowed his eyes. "That's it?" Kakashi tilted his head to the side, eyes flicking back down to his book.

"Don't get caught. If anyone notices you running, you fail." Sasuke shrugged. That was easy enough. He spun on his heel, taking off towards the outskirts of the village. Kakashi curiously gazed at the boy, taking in his quick acceptance of his order.

Well, it's not as if he cared anyways. After all, the whole reason Sasuke was doing this was so he could read the newly released Icha Icha book in peace. It had come out last night, and he was damned if he didn't read as much as he could today.

Sasuke glanced back towards the direction Kakashi was in. He should be far enough to make a shadow clone without him noticing. Taking a deep breath, the boy quickly made the required hand signs, nodded at his clone when it appeared.

"I trust you know what to do?" The clone nodded, twisting its face into one of detached annoyance. "It doesn't mean I'm happy about it though." Sasuke nodded. "Fair enough. I'll be looking for Karin if you need me. She should be in Konoha for the exams."

The clone gave a soft smile at the mention of Karin before quickly extinguishing it. "Alright then." With mutual nods, the two departed. Sasuke spread out his chakra, noticing many familiar ones in the village. With a bit more prodding, he found who he was looking for.


Karin growled at the old man in front of her. "What the hell are you saying? I already paid for these noodles! You said I had to pay upfront, and now you're saying I have to pay again? I refuse!" The man sighed, running his hand through his gray hair. "Listen girl, we never received nor asked for an upfront payment. You have to pay now."

Karin scowled, throwing her red hair behind her back. "No. I will not. Like I said, I already paid. And that girl over there was the one I paid to." Karin slammed her one of her hands on the wood table, pointing at a short haired girl eavesdropping from the staff door with the other.

The girl squeaked, ducking her head back inside when Karin flashed her teeth. The restaurant owner closed his eyes. "Listen I'm really sorry girl, but I just can't let you leave without paying." The red haired kunoichi fumed. "Well I-"

A firm voice interrupted her sentence. "Is there a problem here?" Karin twirled around, her hair fluttering in the air. Her eyes widened as she recognized the boy standing before her. Smiling wide, her entire demeanor changed. "You're the boy who saved me in the exams! Thank you!"

Sasuke winced as she giggled and twirled a lock of hair around her fingers. He had forgotten that Karin had a slight infatuation with him when they were younger. "Uchiha-san." The restaurant owner greeted him with a slight bow of the head. "I apologize for the commotion but this young woman refuses to pay for her food."

Hearing this, Karin growled again, completely forgetting about Sasuke's presence. "What are you talking about? I already told you that I paid upfront!" The old man turned pleading eyes towards Sasuke, who just shook his head.

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