Chapter 4

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Gaara flinched back at the raven's outburst. Giving him an apologetic glance, Sasuke massaged his temple. "I'm sorry Gaara. I didn't mean to say that." Gaara gulped, looking away from him.

"I'm sorry as well. I shouldn't have asked." The Uchiha's stomach dropped. Was Gaara going to cry? He didn't know if he could deal with a crying kid. Sasuke frowned, coming to a realization. 'That's right. Gaara's still a child. He isn't the strong Kazekage from my time. He's just a little kid. They all are.'

With a sigh, the brunette walked over to Gaara, encasing him in an awkward hug. The redhead stiffened, before hesitantly relaxing into the other boy. Gaara slowly wrapped his arms around Sasuke's back, fisting his shirt.

The older boy just stood there, allowing Gaara to cling onto him. He looked towards the back of Gaara's head, and couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy. 'He reminds me of me when I was his age. Touchstarved, but too proud to admit it.'

Letting out a breath, Sasuke said, "Listen Gaara, I don't think I can help you in getting along with Shukaku. What I can do is strengthen the seal on you and fix it up a little. I would do more, but seals aren't my strong point and I can't risk either killing you or letting Shukaku out."

Gaara pulled away from Sasuke, stepping back and staring at him. With hopeful eyes, he asked, "Can you really help me?" The raven stood silent for a moment, before chuckling and ruffling Gaara's hair.

"Yea sure kid. I'll try my best." Gaara gave Sasuke a small smile. Sasuke smiled back, before widening his eyes. "Shit! I forgot. Naruto is going to be here any second. Do me a favor and say that you beat me up, and because of that your uh, 'Mother' went back into his little cave, mmk?"

Gaara nodded, giving Sasuke a questioning glance. Sasuke gave him a small smile, before jumping into the trees. Landing on a branch, he turned back to the redhead. "Gaara. Meet me at Ichiraku's ramen once this entire situation is over."

Gaara tilted his head down, indicating that he understood. "Alright. Ill see you later kid." Sasuke turned back around, jumping further and further into the distance. At that moment a blonde kid jumped out of the shadows, tackling the redhead.

Gaara hit the ground with an oomph! The blonde boy was snarling at him, and his eyes seemed to have a hint of... red? The boy gripped at Gaara's shirt, bringing him up to his eyes. "What the hell did you do with Sasuke? Where is he?"

Gaara shrugged, the lie Sasuke gave him flying out of his mouth. "I beat him pretty badly before I managed to get Shukaku under control. He's probably somewhere tending to his wounds." At the furious look the blonde gave him, Gaara looked away.

"He's not dead. Just a bit bruised. He'll be fine." 'More than fine', Gaara thought. He had no idea why the boy seemed so intent on keeping his power a secret, but he would indulge him. It was the least he could do to pay him back for quieting Mother.

His words seemed to relax the boy. He crawled off of Gaara, offering him a hand up. Gaara looked at the hand for a second, before hesitantly taking it. Naruto yanked him upright with a grin. "Neh, sorry about that!"

Gaara shrugged it off. "It isn't a big deal." Naruto laughed. "It kinda is, I almost beat your ass!" THe blonde gave him a blinding smile. "Anyways my name is Naruto, and I'm going to be the next Hokage- dattebayo! What's your name?" Gaara blinked at him. "My name is Gaara."

Naruto nodded, as if he had expected that answer. "Nice to meet you Gaara!" The redhead looked away. This boy was way too bright for his own good.


Temari looked in awe as the Uchiha emerged from the trees. The second Gaara had lost control of Shukaku, her and her brother had made a run for it, getting as far away as possible. She had truly believed that if the Uchiha wasn't dead, he would at least be rendered unconscious.

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