Chapter 17

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Itachi liked to think of himself as a reasonable person. Sure he may have made a couple of mistakes in the past, such as killing his entire family, but overall, he was a generally decent guy. Which is why he didn't understand the universe's plots to make him miserable.

For example, Diedara was currently screaming his lungs out over the unfairness of a monopoly game. A game that Itachi had nothing to do with, mind you.

The other members didn't seem to mind the blonde's incessant screaming too much, and for some reason that bothered him more than the screaming itself. Well, he supposed he couldn't expect too much from a group of self proclaimed vigilantes.

Itachi opted to ignore the screaming going on behind him, and continue reading his book. It was a very interesting book about... Well see, it's about... 'Dammit!' Itachi thought. How the hell was he supposed to read with all this racquet?

A blank expression on his face, Itachi very, very calmly turned around from his spot at the kitchen table. He opened his mouth to ask very calmly if they could quiet down, but before he could, he was interrupted by a different member screaming.

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT! YOU CANT FUCKING DO THAT!" Tobi screeched. Deidara cackled. "This is payback for stealing my Boardwalk." Tobi's eyes were lit with fury. "I DIDN'T STEAL IT YOU DUMBASS I LANDED ON IT!"

The long haired blonde waved his words away. "Pssh- whatever. Pay up bish." Tobi aggressively shook his head. "HELL NO! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!"

Deidara stood up, glaring at the taller male. "Like hell I can't," he hissed. Tobi stuck his tongue out at him, not that anyone could see it, and grabbed his money from off the floor.

Monopoly fortune safely secured in his hands, the brunette took off, Diedara hot on his heels. "GIVE ME MY MONEY!" The blonde yelled, his voice echoing across the building. "NO!" Tobi shot back with matching ferocity. "IT'S MY MONEY!"

Konan calmly rolled the dice. A thoughtful look on her face, she moved her piece forward three steps. The woman pursed her lips in surprise. She had landed on the same property Tobi had.

Shooting a discreet glance behind her, she called out, "Take it outside boys!" With matching grumbles, the two agreed, bickering the whole way out.

Konan's head pricked up when she heard the door slam closed, and she hastily moved her little cat avatar off of Park Place. With a contemplating look, she moved her piece two more slots down, grinning triumphantly when she landed on Go.

Kisame shook his head in disappointment from the sofa chair opposite the board. "I expected better from you, Konan. The woman merely shrugged. "Well, you shouldn't have."

She collected her two hundred dollars from the bank with a smile on her face. Three seconds later, Deidara burst back in, Tobi hot at his heels.

The blonde stalked over to the area everyone was sitting in, glancing at the board. Furrowing his brow, he turned to Konan. "You rolled a five? Lucky." Konan nodded. "Indeed."

The blonde shook his head, getting back on track. "Right. Well, we have a problem." He looked Itachi straight in the eye. "It has to do with your little brother."

Yup. The universe was definitely plotting against him.


-three seconds earlier-

Deidara lunged at Tobi, nearly tumbling with the sheer force of it when the other man dodged. "GIVE ME MY MONEY!"

"NO!" The brunette screamed, running around in circles with the monopoly money held over his head. Deidara was so close to setting off the explosion seal he had placed on the man in his sleep when a loud voice interrupted him.

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