Chapter 11

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"Naruto, what the hell was that?" Sakura hissed at him, throwing Lee an apologetic smile. Naruto didn't respond, his eyes still wide with shock. Rock Lee threw Naruto a disappointed look, "It's alright Naruto, you must not be feeling yourself. Should we end the dinner now?"

Naruto nodded, having finally found his voice. "That would probably be for the best. I am so, so sorry Lee. I have no idea what came over me." Lee gave him a bright smile. "It is no problem, friend! We can meet up again when you are in a better mood!"

The blonde sheepishly smiled at the boy, and Sakura shot him a grateful look. "Well then," the girl stood up quickly, dragging Naruto along with her. "We're going to call it a night. It's been an incredibly stressful day."

Without waiting for an answer from the others, Sakura quickly left the restaurant, Naruto close at her heels. Both let out a sigh of relief when the front door closed shut behind them. Sakura glared at Naruto, eyes demanding an answer. "Oi, what the hell was that?"

The boy flinched. "I have no idea. The words just came out of my mouth. I wasn't even thinking about anything like that I swear!" Sakura narrowed her eyes. "I know. You wouldn't mock someone, not even in your head."

She sighed, bringing her hand up to her forehead. "And that makes it all the more confusing. It doesn't make sense."

The blonde groaned. "I feel really bad for Lee. I shouldn't have said that." Sakura nodded, "Yea you shouldn't have."

"Is there any way I can make it up to him?" Sakura shrugged, tugging on Naruto's jacket. "You could spar with him. Come on, let's not stay here for too long." The boy nodded, following the pinkette's lead.

As the duo started walking, another question was brought to the forefront of Naruto's mind. "Hey Sakura, whose house are we going to?" The girl tilted her head to the sky, her nose scrunching up at the thought of heading back home.

"Not mine," she replied, "I don't want to deal with my parents right now." Naruto shrugged. "I guess that's understandable. But my place isn't big enough for two people to live in." Sakura huffed.

She contemplated a bit, eyes flickering across the night sky. "Hm, what about Sasuke's house?" Naruto did a double take. "What?! Sasuke's house? No way, he'll kill us!" Sakura looked up at him, her mouth twisting into a mischievous grin.

"Ah, but he's not here is he? He doesn't have to know." When the blonde gave her a skeptical look, she sighed. "Listen Naruto. Think about the benefits. One, no one is there, and therefore no one can stop us. Two, the house is more than big enough for the two of us."

She frowned at him, furrowing her brows. "And three, if Sasuke were to say, come back and get something, we'll be there waiting for him. He won't expect us to camp out at his house together."

Slowly but surely, the boy nodded. Albeit hesitantly, he agreed. "I guess you're right." Sakura scoffed. "Of course I am." She threw a grin at Naruto and he readily returned it.

"So, to Sasuke's house?" The pinkette nodded with a smile. "To Sasuke's house," she echoed. The two friends laughed simultaneously, eyes cheerful as they headed towards the Uchiha compound.

Upon arriving, Naruto felt shivers traveling down his spine. Feeling jittery, he asked, "Hey are you sure we're welcome here?" Sakura rolled her eyes. "Naruto there's no one here but us."

The blonde widened his eyes in terror. "But what about the ghosts of the Uchiha?" His friend whacked him upside the head, shooting him a glare. "Stop thinking silly things. Even if there were ghosts, they can't touch us."

Naruto nodded, not entirely convinced. Nevertheless, he obediently followed Sakura inside the last Uchiha's old house.


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