Chapter 15

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Karin's eyes widened in understanding. "Oh." She shook her head. "Wait what? You're going to do what?" Sasuke frowned. "I'm going to go find my brother."

Karin gritted her teeth, "Yea, I heard you the first time. Why the hell would you do something so idiotic?" Sasuke sighed. "Listen Karin, I'm running out of time. I have to find him and convince him before Jiraya-"

The raven cut himself off. The girl in front of him crossed her arms. "Convince him to do what? This is the dude that murdered your family. He's dangerous, Sasuke, you can't go up against him by yourself."

Sasuke sighed. "I'm sorry Karin but you can't change my mind on this. I am going to find my brother, and you guys are going to stay here." Karin glared at him, spitting out, "Whatever."

She stomped out of the living room, Sasuke watching her with a somewhat guilty look on his face. 'Im sorry Karin, but who knows what'll happen after the world goes to shit. I can't let you get hurt.'

Karin stalked the corridor, muttering about stupid bastards. The girl chewed at her lip, trying desperately to find a way to keep Sasuke from going- keep him safe. She groaned, dropping her palm into her hand.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Suigetsu hunched behind a door, ear pressed flush to the wood. She raised her eyebrow. "What are you doing?" Suigetsu hushed her, motioning her to come.

"Listen!" He hissed quietly. "What happened?" Karin whispered back, pressing her ear to the door as well. The boy replied, "Apparently some Konoha nin have arrived in Suna."

Karin rolled her eyes. "So?" Suigetsu frowned, "Shhh! Just listen!"


Kankuro pulled a shirt over his head. "I don't get it. What's wrong with a team of Konoha nin being in Suna?" Temari sighed, closing the scroll in her hand and gently placing it on the desk next to her.

"There's nothing wrong with it. But they claim to be here for a recovery mission." Kankuro rolled his eyes. "Alright then. Just let them do what they gotta do." Temari groaned. "You aren't listening to me."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Kankuro, they were last spotted in the Suna shopping district." The brunette shrugged, plopping down in a sofa chair. "So?" Temari swatted his head, ignoring his yelp of protest.

"You are so slow I swear to God. The Suna shopping district is where Sasuke was spotted by that other team of Konoha nin." Kankuro's mouth made an 'O' shape. "That's not good."

Temari pinched the bridge of her nose. "Yea no shit, Kankuro. Sasuke needs to leave now, or else he'll be caught with us." Kankuro frowned. "What about his friends?" Temari shook her head. "They're fine. It's just the fact that we cannot associate with the last Uchiha."

The brunette nodded. "Alright. I'll go break the news to him." Kankuro walked out of the door, one hand on the doorknob when his sister called out. "Kankuro. Do not sugarcoat it. Not only will it do no good, Sasuke isn't one to appreciate that kind of talk."

The brother nodded once more, showing her he understood. With a sigh, Temari looked back at the scroll, rubbing at the back of her head. Kankuro sighed, before yanking the door open.

The second he did, Suigetsu fell into the room, a surprised Karin standing in the doorway. "Oof." The albino grunted, bracing himself up with his hands. Kankuro shook his head. "Were you two eavesdropping?"

Suigetsu quickly stood up, dusting himself off. "Er... no?" Karin rolled her eyes at her friend. "Yea right. Of course we were eavesdropping. Wasn't it obvious?" Suigetsu winced. "Damn what crawled up your ass and died?"

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