Chapter 13

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Sasuke was traveling amongst the rooftops when he felt it. A pulse of angry chakra smothered the village. "Shit." He cursed at himself, immediately switching directions. Spreading out his chakra, he bolted towards the direction of Jugo's.

When he got there, he quickly assessed the situation, jumping off the roof and skidding on the ground. STepping in front of Gaara, he immediately activated his Sharingan, placing the orange haired boy under genjutsu.

When Jugo fell towards the ground, knocked unconscious, Sasuke was there to pick him up. THrowing a grateful nod at Gaara, he took off, not wanting anyone to recognize either of them.

With a grunt, the Uchiha landed in the siblings living room, having lept in through the window. Karin wandered in to see what was going on, gasping at the sight in front of her. "Sasuke what happened?"

The raven grunted, dropping the boy onto the couch. "He snapped. I had to put him down." Eyes widening, Karin approached the unconscious figure. "What about Gaara? He went after Jugo."

Sasuke sighed. "Gaara's fine. I didn't see any severe injuries on him. He'll probably be here soon." The girl's shoulders relaxed in relief. "Good." She glanced back at the kitchen.

"Hey, Kankuro's teaching us to make homemade dango. You wanna join?" Sasuke hesitated. "You sure?" The redhead grinned, "C'mon you idiot." She grabbed onto Sasuke's hand, dragging him towards the kitchen.

"AY! Look who's here!" Karin announced their entrance. Sasuke froze at the sight before him. The kitchen was covered with flour, a half empty bowl on the counter. Suigetsu and Kankuro weren't much better off.

Their clothes and skin had splotches of dough on them, painted white by the flour. Suigetsu had two broken eggs, one in his hand and one on his head. The duo gulped at Sasuke and Karin, prepared for the worse.

Karin gaped at the two idiots. "THREE SECONDS!" She screeched. "I leave you alone for THREE seconds!" The boys flinched back at her angry tone, each of them immediately pointing fingers towards the other.

The girl narrowed her eyes at them. "I don't care who started it. You two are cleaning this mess up and making dango for the rest of us!" Suigetsu squawked in protest, and Kankuro bowed his head.

With a huff, Karin stomped towards the two, swatting the both of them on the back of their head. "What are you two waiting for? Grab a broom!" They scrambled to action, immediately sweeping up their mess.

Sasuke stood awkwardly in the middle of it, watching as the three kids got to work cleaning. Deciding to help, he grabbed a paper towel, using it to slowly wipe at the counter. With his position, he had a front view seat to what happened next.

Suigetsu was grumbling under his breath while sweeping, using much more force than needed to navigate the broom. On a particularly hard sweep, the broom hit a pile of flour on the ground, spraying it all over Karin.

The girl yelped, jumping back, but it was too late, her pants were covered with the powdery substance. "SUIGETSU!" She roared, lunging at her target. Said target giggled at the state of Karin's pants, before jumping back in terror.

The girl grabbed a fistful flour from off the ground, yanking the boy back by his shirt and dumping the flour down it. The boy squealed as he shifted around, trying to get all of it out.

Karin cackled at her triumph, enjoying her total of two second of victory before an egg hit her splat in the back. Outraged, she whipped her head around, eyes landing on Kankuro.

The older boy paled, and immediately bolted. Before long the three of them were engaged in an all out flour fight. Sasuke tried his best to dodge the stray flour and clean up the table simultaneously, but it was useless.

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