Chapter 10

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The second Sasuke stepped out of the bathroom he was yanked towards the door. Before he could yell in protest, he found himself face to face with the members of his entourage, all four of them dressed and ready to go.

Skeptical, Sasuke raised an eyebrow at them. "What's going on?" Karin smirked at him, shutting the door behind them. "I thought you were the one who wanted to go shopping, Sasuke?" The raven's eyes widened, and he let out a groan.

"Karin you know that wasn't me talking." She gave him a pat on the back. "Sure it wasn't. Either way, we're already here so might as well get going!" The redhead pranced down the hallway, the others close behind.

Sasuke smacked his face, muttering a low, "Damn kids." He quickly caught up with them, scowling at the situation at hand.

A couple of minutes later the group was prowling the streets of Suna. Though the boy loathed to admit it, every single time they passed by a store, his stomach jumped in excitement.

He would admire the items on display, before reluctantly following the rest of his friends to what seemed to be nowhere. Enough was enough. They had been wandering for at least thirty minutes and not once have they stopped.

Pissed off, Sasuke turned to Karin with a scowl on his face. "Ok spill. Why the hell have we been wandering nowhere for half an hour?" The girl tilted her head in confusion. "What are you talking about? This whole time I've been following you."

The Uchiha froze. "What." Karin widened her eyes in shock. "Wait, you're telling me you were following me?" Sasuke slowly nodded, letting out a sigh of exasperation.

The redheaded girl bit down on her grin. "Sure, ok then Sasuke. Let's go in there." She pointed towards a random shop. The building had a glass display window, with three stylish outfits propped up on mannequins.

Raising a skeptical eyebrow, Sasuke turned around, facing the rest of the team. "Are you guys ok with-" The boy froze in astonishment. Suigetsu grinned at him, a huge black bag in his hands.

"Yea we're cool with whatever! About time you two stopped." Barely registering what his albino friend had said, the raven waved his hand, gesturing towards the trio. "When did this happen?"

Both Gaara and Jugo were carrying similar black bags to the one Suigetsu had, Jugo casually licking an ice-cream cone while Gaara munched on some dango. Jugo gave Sasuke a small frown.

"We went shopping. Was that not what we were here for?" Sasuke turned his lips down into a growl. "You're saying that this whole time I could've been going in and out of stores as I please?"

Suigetsu gave him a brilliant grin, and Sasuke sulked. He stalked off and threw open the door to the shop Karin had spotted, the slab of wood crashing into the wall upon the force.

The clerk at the front gave him a frightened glance, and the rest of the group followed him in with amused looks. Gulping, the poor guy came out to greet the customers, nervously smiling at Sasuke.

"Was there anything you guys needed?"

Sasuke promptly ignored him, traveling around the store and scrunching his nose at the options laid out in front of him. Meanwhile, Karin and Suigetsu chatted up a storm with the clerk, both eagerly describing an outfit they would like to buy.

Gaara looked around curiously, ignoring the clerk's shocked stare once recognition crossed into his mind. "T-the dem-" A sharp snap finished his sentence for him. Karin and Suigetsu both were glaring at him.

"Don't finish that sentence. That boy isn't a demon and he won't ever be. You see that boy over there?" She pointed to Sasuke. "He's the one you should be worried about. Piss him off and you're dead. So I'd suggest you watch your mouth before I deal with it for you."

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