Chapter 8

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Orochimaru groaned, shifting his head to the side. His eyes blinked open, and he found himself face to face with a dull gray wall. 'What the hell happened?' He thought, easing himself up from the ground.

The sannin braced his palm against the floor, using it to push him up to his feet. "So you're finally up. Took you long enough." Orochimaru's head swung towards the voice, and was taken aback at the sight of a young teen leaning against the wall.

Said teen shot him a glare, before looking him up and down. The sannin gasped as his head was filled with memories. Memories that did not belong to him. He brought a hand up to his forehead, sorting through the intrusive thoughts.

What he found was nothing like he expected. The memories in his head told stories of war, of pain, and... of forgiveness. What kind of life has this child lived? 'No.' He told himself. The sannin turned a wary gaze towards the dark figure.

'Not a child. Not anymore.' Sasuke sighed, pushing off the wall and turning towards the door. The raven rested his hand on the doorknob, tilting his head to the side. His voice contained a threatening undertone as he spoke.

"Do not misunderstand, Orochimaru. I do not care about you, and neither do I owe you anything. I could have destroyed this seal the second you put it on me. The only reason I didn't kill you on the spot was out of consideration towards Mitsuki."

'Mitsuki.' That word sounded familiar. A few of the more recent memories floated up to the forefront of his mind. He watched as he introduced Sasuke to a young boy named Log. He watched as conflicting emotions blurred across his own face.

He watched as he began to grow attached to the child, and how he continued his experiments to create synthetic life. He watched as he made plans to create another. How as excited he was to watch and observe and record the child's actions, he was just as excited to raise him. 'Mitsuki.'

The sannin was jolted out of his thoughts by a soft exhale. Sasuke had been observing the emotions flickering across his face, and obviously knew exactly what was going on. Nevertheless, the boy who had supposedly been his apprentice merely turned cold eyes.

This Sasuke didn't like him, not even for his power. This Sasuke wasn't a child. He was a full grown adult, at least mentally. And the long haired man knew that even though the Uchiha hadn't killed him yet, he would if the sannin posed a threat.

Sasuke turned the knob slowly, stepping outside. His shoulders tensed, and he looked back at Orochimaru, snarling at the man. "And you would do well to take those memories as a warning of what I am capable of. Mess with me and I'll kill you. In the meanwhile I will be staying here until I find my companions."

The long haired man could only stare dumbly as he walked out, slamming the door behind him. He looked around in a daze, before his eyes inevitably returned to the door of which the Uchiha had left.

With a huff of breath, the sannin frowned. He was lost again, and he wasn't sure what to do.


Naruto stepped into the dark apartment, careful to hide his presence. He slowly shut the door behind him, holding his breath as it closed with a soft click!.

The blonde haired boy tiptoed across the hallway, stopping at a white door with a bronze doorknob. Naruto held his breath, turning it and walking in the room as silently as he could. His blue eyes darted to the bed, breath relaxing when he saw it was empty.

All caution thrown out the window, the blonde flicked on the lights, observing the pink bedsheets and a red comforter thrown onto the mattress in a heap. Naruto trudged over to the desk, rolling out the chair and plopping down on it with a huff.

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