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- 47 | A WHOLE NEW WORLD. ㊙️
sorta long update ahead. Pls leave
a vote, comment and enjoy!

As early as eight in the morning, tweeting birds serenade the sun while warm rays invade the baps of the wooden shower room outdoors. Taehyung stands beneath a showerhead while hot water rushes down his body and a box-like wooden gate censors the waist-down.

His long, wet locks cling to his skin to conceal his forehead scar completely. Taehyung gathers his hair at one side and squeezes the moisture out as Jimin strolls into the men's shower room with a towel of his own, removing his shirt while his friend tosses a wooden bucket of water down his scar-filled back.

"Damn... It's empty in here, huh?"

"Yep. Today's the big day, yet we're the only boys left."

"Man this feels weird... Props to the girls for outrunning the guys. Who would've thought right?"

Taehyung gradually stops bathing, letting water stream down his face upon those words.

"...I told Mei last night. About Juri."

Jimin stops and slowly turns to his friend in shock. "Really?"

"It just... Didn't feel right being a mystery to her anymore. I don't regret our talk either. Given our status, I think it was needed."

"So are you and Mei... A thing?"

"...I want us to be. But also, this is the most important day of our youth. We can't let dating distort everything on TODAY of all days... So we've agreed to wait until the tournament is over before pursuing anything."

"Honestly, you're both making the smart decision. I mean look at Hakyeon and Viper." Jimin pours water down his body, "Things went downhill the moment they started dating and now Hakyeon's eliminated. They didn't think it through. Just 24 more hours dude... Then you can kiss up on Mei all you want."

Jimin proceeds to make annoying smooching noises, making Taehyung roll his eyes and chuckle subtly. Wet droplets trickle from his lashes, nose and chin while he looks down and reminisces on last night.


After a training-packed morning, it's finally time to hit the big city and register our names at Cadillac Arena. I find myself staring out the blacked-out windows of our coach, almost envisioning what the world may look like beyond it.

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