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As strange as it feels to not be the one in charge, we agreed that Jimin would lead yoga stretches today. It's the first time we're all warming up as a group... I guess the bickering between everyone has finally settled somewhat.

The boys even dress differently now. Taehyung, Jimin and Hakyeon often wore blue and grey to symbolize the cool tones of Goūken, but lately, they've been unconsciously sporting the warmer tones of San like red and brown.

Cammy's also been changing up her hairdo almost every other day, from curly pigtails with colorful bubble elastics to traditional braided buns and pin-ups. As long as it keeps her happy, I'm all for it.

"Welcome to spine-breaker 101 with Mr. Park." Jimin claps. "This first pose is Uttanasana. Keeping your legs straight, tilt all the way forward until your nose is touching your legs, then hold your ankles for balance. It'll awake your hamstrings."

While the girls, Yeonjun, Yun and I replicate the move with no extra-needed time, Taehyung scans the class with wide eyes...

"Shit. I can't do that."

"Same, I'm not flexible." Yang frowns.

Hakyeon flaps his hand naggingly, "Move onto the next one Chim. It's too hard."

"Such sissies. Alright fine, the next pose is Natarajasana. Hold your right ankle from behind and pull it over your head all the way."

"He's doing this on purpose." Hakyeon gives up immediately.

Taehyung stumbles multiple times when attempting the position, as does Yang who yelps at the sound of his own bones clicking and cracking.

It's ironic that fighters as talented as them could be so inflexible. Good thing Sensei isn't here to witness this, or he'd snap their bones into pretzels.

When I master the position, Taehyung gets easily distracted and diverts all focus to my thighs...

"Psst. Tae, eyes up." Jimin tauntingly snaps his fingers.

"Yah, move onto the next pose already. Something that everyone can do."

"Okay okay. This third position is simple, but you'll need to get into pairs."


"I choose Mei!" Cammy instantly wraps her arm around mine. Viper only folds her arms as she was also about to choose me.

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