Stories gc pt.2

203 7 221

Saint: the way y'all came for me last time was unacceptable bring y'all asses back pls

Hotel Dolore: it's fine I wasn't really doing anything anyway I have time to "text"

Savior: that's cuz u live in a hotel

Savior: u probably ride the elevator up and down for fun

Hotel Dolore: ive actually done that 😄

Trilogy: saint don't nobody got time for ur bullshit

Alpha: wut are u even talkin about nobody came for u


Suge: how can we embarrass wuts already embarrassing 🙂

Saint: suge I've had it up to here with ur slick ass comments

Saint: stay in ur building

Trilogy: remember geneva took that away so he's prolly in his house that might get taken too

Suge: u thought that was funny huh ?

Suge: my house looks a thousand times better than yours

Trilogy: mmh

Suge: no fr I'm literally the richest here

Savior: slow ur roll big boy

Savior: i got bands too dont forget it

Suge: yea selling drugs and stealing it sure is a way to earn it isn't it

Savior: ....I mean I'm still gettin' money...right ?

Saint: suge u walked out on a live interview bc u felt intimidated by ur baby sister foh

Suge: I thought I said we'd never speak of that anywhere

Trilogy: Hilary apparently don't give good head😬

Suge: she doesn't

Suge: but I won't get into that here there's children in the chat

Alpha: i said i was 18 but my story started in 2019 so I'd be turning 20 this year 😐

Alpha: y'all think I'm rlly a fetus or somethin

Saint: u are...

Alpha: saint don't you get beaten by dexter on a daily basis

Alpha: oh yea he's dead . guess he won't be beating u anytime soon huh ?

Saint: was that really needed ?

Hotel Dolore: today's a nice day isn't it 😅

Trilogy: y'all rlly make me wanna fight you

Trilogy: I've never wanted to fight someone so badly

Savior: nigga stfu

Savior: go talk about it with ur precious Nova

Trilogy: why don't you go look for ur precious King

Suge: yea I'm sure he's lying somewhere dead now 🙂

Savior: ik wut else is dead suge

Savior: ur career

Alpha: savior u got beat by ur grandmother for havin a girl up in ur room and u wanna talk about people being dead

Alpha: i rlly wish she almost killed u

Savior: alpha ur girlfriend cheated on u with ur best friends not once not twice but prolly 3 times

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