Shit nobody knows pt.2

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This is stuff nobody knows, and "facts" I made up in my head and pretended to make it something everyone should know when they really wouldn't know about it cuz you shouldn't or wouldn't know but now you know :))

1. Michael had BPD- Borderline Personality Disorder

I ain't even sure if I clarified that before🤡silly me :D^

2. Michael and Hayden had sex at least 15 times a month :) Selli: woah

3. I don't like writing sex scenes. cringey asf 🤢 for me

4. Michael had no other girlfriend other than Sky

 Michael had no other girlfriend other than Sky

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5. I've been busy and stressed asl and that's why I don't update often anymore. but alpha's coming soon :)

6. Aliyah was supposed get pregnant by Trey why?


7. My hair texture is 3a/3b whats yours?

8. I don't like possums. nasty ass motherfuckas

9. I've never had a boyfriend, yet I write like I've had one🤡

 I've never had a boyfriend, yet I write like I've had one🤡

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Back to insanity:

10. I based Michael's personality on me and my siblings 💀

11. Hayden's a bigger drunk than Michael

12. Hayden can't handle her alcohol :)

13. Hayden's more kinky than Michael

Btw Michael was supposed to have actually killed Scott but I wanted to change it up :/

I'm not making a sequel to the sequel b/c I don't know what it would be about 😶


14. Michael masturbates at least 5 times

15. I go on google every time Nelly says something all smart

16. I was gonna make this a supernatural book but I didn't :)

17. Dexter doesn't have a face claim

18. Diana has more screen time than Star 💀

19. There hasn't been a sex scene yet ah haha

 There hasn't been a sex scene yet ah haha

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20. Wolfie's the youngest and Salamander's the oldest—excluding Dex. (Y'all prolly knew that but-)

21. There's always that one dumbass of the group and it's Enrico :)

22. Michael takes heroine, and crack cocaine

23. Wolfie's never had a girlfriend. he's too scared to have one (heartbreak)

Nelly never had one either cuz he's too nerdy for girls:)

24. Neither has Michael^ but just cuz he's a whore

25. I might make a chapter explaining how they all became a gang. prolly not tho :)

26. Literally nobody in this book has a girlfriend/boyfriend or is dating anyone. this ain't even a love story no more 😔

Any questions?👀

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