Stories gc pt. 4

144 7 321

Saint: am I coming back to this gc to start some shit ?

Saint: yes tf I am bc y'all got me fucked up

Suge: see I was berated for starting the conversation last time but u come in here like this

Trilogy: can I have a peaceful afternoon saint

Trilogy: pls

Saint: no u can't

Saint: all of y'all wake tf up

Trilogy: u wanna fight or some shit

Savior: TF do you want

Hotel Dolore: oh good afternoon😀😀😀

Saint: i heard selli has a favorite story and I wanna clarify to u all that it's me 😄

Savior: I was gonna leave

Savior: but then I read that nonsense

Savior: saint ur literal dog water bro

Trilogy: saint ur straight ass nigga

Suge: ???

Hotel Dolore: saint I do not want to be rude but...pls get out

Saint: tf

Trilogy: alpha's gonna grow a damn backbone before selli picks u to be her favorite, saint

Savior: alpha's prolly suckin dick

Savior: that's why he ain't here rn

Suge: oh my god

Alpha: i was sleeping...

Savior: at 4pm

Alpha: well let's not forget I've been fighting zombies all day so I don't get much sleep thank u very much

Alpha: savior acts like he doesn't drink Bear's bath water for breakfast stfu

Savior: 😦

Trilogy: once shirt energy


Saint: i don't get why y'all bully me

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Saint: i don't get why y'all bully me

Alpha: i just read over wut i missed and all I can say is saint ur trash

Alpha: how tf are u selli's favorite wen u masturbate as a coping mechanism for the fact that Venus don't like ur annoying ass and ur lonely as fuck

Saint: damn who hurt u today

Alpha: life bitch

Trilogy: alpha stfu ur definitely not selli's favorite

Suge: did we not have this conversation last time and agreed that selli hates all of us or wtf is happening

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