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🎶If you're a real one, then you know how to bounce back🎶

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🎶If you're a real one, then you know how to bounce back🎶

"Tonight, I give you my all"
<Wedding Night>

It was 9pm, the wedding party was over. Jaden was sent to stay with his cousins for the night since they were having so much fun at the venue. Which just left Hayden and Michael. They didn't drink at all at the party, because being drunk wasn't really appropriate. So they decided to engage in the foolishness once they got home.

By themselves

Just the two of them..

Michael gets out the limousine and holds the door open for Hayden, and she smiles taking his hand and getting out of the car as they were dropped home. "Thank you!" Hayden calls out to the driver, and they watch it drive away with the words "Just Married" on the back of it. It's pretty late, and the neighborhood is quiet.

They make it into the apartment and close the door, and Hayden trudges in her long wedding dress all the way to the couch and plops down blowing a deep breath of air. Michael sits right beside her and glances at her as she kicks off her heels

"Whew....what now?" He asks and she looks over at him shrugging her shoulders, "I don't know. What do married couples do?" She questions and he shrugs his shoulders

"I ain't got no clue." He mutters as she laughs shaking her head, "You know what I wanna do?" She asks and he raises a brow, "What?"

"Bake cookies." She says and he cocks a brow, "Bake cookies?"

"I wanna stay up all night and do random things. And you gotta stay up with me." She explains as she trails her fingers down his jawline and he laughs shaking his head, "Ight. Anything you wanna do I'm down. But first," he pauses, getting up from the couch and she pushes herself off the couch to follow him curiously as he reaches up into the cabinets and brings out 2 bottles of Hennessy

"We can't do shit without Henny." He says, holding one up to her face and her mouth was agape, "Michael, we cant get drunk." She scolds, looking around like people are there to hear them

"And why not? I ain't got drunk in a minute Hayden. It's our wedding night. Less make this...the best night of our lives. No holdin' back." He says and holds up his bottle, waiting for her to cling her bottle against his and she sighs with a defeated smile

"Deal." She says and lightly clings her bottle against his and a smirk seeps to his lips, "Better be a deal." He replies

Hayden then let's out an excited squeal and walks over to the pantry bringing out the sugar

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