Saint gc pt.15

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Michael: wow we haven't spoken in here in a while🥳

Jordan: yea and it was better that way

Nelly: it's been about approximately 8 months.

Michael: thx nel

Enrico: ate months since wut

Wolfie: how the year end so fast and Mike still ain't got a girlfriend


Jordan: 💀

Nelly: LoL

Nelly: Did I use that in the right context^

Michael: wolf how u gon talk wen ik u haven't gotten fucked in at least a year

Wolfie: 11 months get it right baby father

Jordan: baby wut ?💀

Enrico: rosalina said she'd mayke me her baby daddy💚💜💝💗💖💗💘💗❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥💓💝💖❣️

Nelly: Maybe I should become a father.

Nelly: Maybe then will girls like me.

Jordan: nel don't nobody want ur baby wipes smelling nerdy ass


Nelly: Excuse me?

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Nelly: Excuse me?

Wolfie: careful jordy

Wolfie: this nigga gon roast us again

Enrico: how can he roast us if we're not burnt

Enrico: we're not even by a campfire

Michael: stay pretty rico

Wolfie: jordy swears he's been laid since the last time we spoke in here

Wolfie: dumb ass nigga

Wolfie: cornball

jordan has added king, timothee, michael, and ulysses

Ulysses: wut up wut upppp

Wolfie: shit

Enrico: who tf u add to the chat

King: yo jordan

King: don't get too comfortable adding me to random ass chats now

Michael: wait did u add another Michael

Michael: he has the same name as me

Jordan: this is so I won't have to hear wolf's howling ass fang lookin ass mouth

Jordan: and since y'all both named michael we'll just call the other Mike "Mike#2"

Mike#2: I dare yo ass to call me that

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