Facts about mi pt. 5

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1. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again: no

2. The closest thing to you that's red: tf...blood...it's inside me..

3. The last dream I had: i was chasing polar bears LMFAO

4. Did I meet anybody new today?: NO BC IM AT HOME ALL D TIME

5. What am I craving right now: nothing but food

6. What comes to my mind when I say cabbage: these questions weird asf. that's what comes to my mind

7. what does my last text say: kk😘

it was to my cousin sjsksjsks^

8. Do you bite into your ice cream or lick it: lick 😏

9. Do you like your hair?: yes I like my natural curls 🥰

10: do you like yourself?: yes. except my height. i look 12.

11: have you ever met a celebrity?: yes: famous Dex and ion like him but he was at our mall once LMFAO

12: do you like cottage cheese: NO

13: what are you listening to right now: nothing😍

14. How many countries have you visited?: 2

15. Are your parents strict?: eh...sometimes but altogether not really

16. Would you go sky diving?: hells yes gorl

17. Is there anything sparkly in the room I'm in? : yes, my dick . it shines ;)

18. Who sits behind me in my math class?: one of my friends lmfao

^the boy that sent me that valentine thingy sat in front of me...AWKWARD

19. Do I have something from hot topic?: ....no

20. Have I ever slapped someone: yes 😍 every single one of my siblings and cousins😍😍😍

^i dead ass fight them no lie

21. Are you sarcastic: idk am I ?

22. Do you have any tattoos?: yes and it's of a dick

^no I don't 💀

23. Where was your default picture taken: ....heh ?

24. Have you ever crawled through a window?: yes but I was not sneaking out the house or nothin 🌚

25. Have you made a prank phone call?: yes and it was to a dominos worker LMFAO

Bonus: have I ever gotten into a fight?: if fighting my family members count then yes ✨

^i pushed my sister down the stairs once and she told on me sjsksjsk

the stairs were carpet and not many so don't worry 😉 she wasn't hurt😏

Another bonus: wut is my favorite meme?:

This is my favorite meme right now sjsksjsksj^

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This is my favorite meme right now sjsksjsksj^

other than that Kermit one 🤡

this has been in my drafts since June 12th sjsksjs

and the last chapter of oblivion I wrote like 4 days ago sjsksjsksj


i died .

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