The problem with: SAVIOR

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hey hey hey

sooo im starting a new mini-series where I criticize my own books because why not? they're all questionable asf if u think about it❤️

✨y'all are free to criticize too this is a house of criticism✨

anywho we're staring off with Savior:

anywho we're staring off with Savior:

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im gonna start off with characters and personalities.

this story's the cliche bad boy and good girl trope.

name a book I've made with a bad girl good boy trope I'll wait .

all the michael's I've written are either assholes, traumatized, depressed, or emotionally insane🤡

but anywho

let's talk about naija

first of all she's too childish.

now ive addressed that she seems childish bc she's been sheltered and isolated all her life but hell no.

you're telling me she stayed with her annoying ass cousins all those years—especially when was like ages 18 to currently 20 and she didn't leave ?

she's 20 years old and hated living with her cousins but could've got her ass out of there with the money she has bc believe me she has money but I didn't press on it that much.

the chapter where her cousin Ryleigh came and tried to get her from Michael's house and was bossing her around like a child pisses me off every time I read it bc who are you talking to🤨

(mind u I wrote this myself but let's continue and pretend I didn't😍)

but anyways, let's talk about her annoying ass stuttering.

why tf are you stuttering naija ?

literally every word she said she stuttered over it I could not😭

i always read the comments and how they roast her on the stuttering and I feel y'all 💀

moving onto michael..

not much to say about him other than the fact that he's another one of my cliche stereotypical street thugs who either has dead parents or was kicked out and now runs the streets for a living who somehow hasn't gotten been killed from the lifestyle he has and has been to prison countless times but still has a whole house and no parol as if he didn't commit the craziest of crimes and had a bad experience with his ex which made him immune to loving anyone but himself and his grandma but then has a soft spot for a childish ass stuttering coward like naija .

not too much to say about him tho..

*clears throat*

and I also made uly a literal comic relief character who exists for food . clever

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