Insanity group chat pt. 12

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(This has no setting so..y'all can imagine this in insanity or oblivion...cuz idk lmfao"

Aliyah: ight y'all it's time for operation man hunt

Naia: ...wut?

Alexia: we gon look for men today and add em to the gc

Hayden: add them ?

Alexia: yes🥰

Naia: wats my business

Naia: I already have one 😗

Hayden: me too

Hayden: but this should be fun :)))

Aliyah: right Naia. let loose

Naia: let loo-

Naia: mkay lets do it

Benny: ion know what's goin on but I'm excited

Devon: wait Naia-

Hayden: I'm excited now 😊😊😊😊

Hayden: who's first ?

Benny: i volunteer trey

Alexia: ur not in this Ben stay tf out

Benny: 😗

Naia: I know 😈

Naia: roger

Aliyah: hell nah

Alexia: YES

Hayden: !1!11!1!

Michael: 🤨

Michael: i didn't expect to see this shit today after not talkin to y'all for a week

Michael: I liked it better when the gc was dead

Devon: the girls r cheatin on us

Michael: not the first time

Aliyah: ight Hayden, put his number

Hayden: kk🤓

Michael: wait..

Michael: why you still got his number ?

Devon: here they go

Hayden: he's an old friend..

Michael: old ?

Michael: tf ?

Aliyah: ok y'all get back to the mission this ain't a time to bicker

Michael: stfu

Michael: imma embarrass y'all

Michael: it's what you deserve

Hayden: 😦

Alexia: HAYDEN

Hayden: sorry 😬

Hayden added Roger to the chat

Aliyah: 👀👀

Roger: um...who is this

Aliyah: hi roger 🙂

Alexia: how's ur day roger ?

Roger: I'm kinda scared..

Hayden: 😶

Michael: this gon be fun

Michael: wen I asked y'all wtf is a roger and nobody answered

Michael: real mature

Damien: the fact that this nigga just insulted him wen he's in the gc now^^🧢

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