Quarantine day 41

117 7 20

Mental state: developing powers

So at 11:07pm last night, I realized I have telepathic powers

I can read minds.

I know exactly what ur thinking

U ain't slick.

I can levitate things too

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I can levitate things too. I lifted up a bag of chips with my mind and brought it to my room. periodt.

quarantine has made me realize that I am magical and nobody can stop me from taking over the world

at 12:00am my magical slippers will disappear but that's ok bc I have others :D

i can grant y'all's wishes

not to mention I almost choked on them stupid vitamin C pills they make me take to "boost your immune system"


that's ok too

i'll stay in my room for the rest of the week

so I did 60 squats on Saturday and I still cannot move my legs. i tried to be active. never again.

them kids broke my door like ACTUALLY broke it so now it can't lock. i CANNOT lock my door anymore.

i should get a tik tok and pretend to know how to dance

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i should get a tik tok and pretend to know how to dance

i can close my door without getting up. that's the power of my powers. #powers

i couldn't reach the top of the fridge to get me cereal, so I didn't eat breakfast. :(

im so bored that I actually do those dumb lookin ass dancing activities with my lil brother they do on Nickelodeon for kids to be active 🤡🤡🤡🤡

my levitating powers didn't work so I was took lazy to use a chair to lift me up. the world hates me >:(

i haven't opened my closet in weeks. i literally wear pajamas and sweats everyday.

i shower at various hours of the day, like at 3pm.

maybe I should connect to the mind of corona AND TELL IT TO STOP TORTURING ME

...but oh yea, my telepathic powers only work on people. 🤡

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