Facts about mi pt. 4

113 7 45

When I should be updating🤡
but wut is an update 😎

When I should be updating🤡but wut is an update 😎

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1. Name: Araselli radio rebel

2. Birthday: April 18, 2015🤡🤡🤡🤡

3. Relationship status: TAKEN

4. How many piercings: 2. my ears 💀

5. Meaning behind my username: LMFAO absolutely nothing. like rose is just a flower I like and wtf is a "simply"

6. Groups I stan: ion know

7. Favorite movie: too many

8. Fact about my personality: i am annoying and apparently "rude as fuck" according to my siblings 😊

9. What I hate most about myself: hmmm... my height💀

10. What I love most about myself: my dick

11. Idea of perfect date: Netflix n chi- nah watching Netflix and eating snacks in the dark

12. Weaknesses: prolly math. I'm not that good at math and my only regular class in school is fuckin math. all the rest are either honors or AP >:(

13. blacked out for some reason

14. A random fact I know: ....i know all the stages of sleep...

15. The last time I cried and why: I dead ass cried yesterday LMFAODJENF

^i burned myself with a flat iron bc my curls are impossible to straighten out sometimes💀

i cried with real ass tears for like 5 minutes while everyone called me dramatic and was laughing while doing so AJSKSJSSNS

16. Favorite food: di- too many tbh 🌚

17. Chinese zodiac sign: im a...hehehehe

18. Favorite season: prolly fall bc it's not too hot or cold. spring can shove itself up it's ass.

19. How long I take to get ready: for school I take an hour and 30 minutes and for random days...maybe the same 💀

20. Somewhere I wanna visit: a dick museu- hawaii :)

21. Other languages I speak: Spanish

22. Color of my eyes: dark brown

23. My love language: tf

24. Talents: piano ?

25. Biases: ,,,,

26. Concerts I've been to: dead ass none

27. Last book I read: my brain turned off the minute they cancelled school so I haven't read shit

But the last Wattpad book I read was "Sus" and I forgot her name 💀

28. Favorite ice cream: vanilla

29. Cats or dogs: doggies 🥰

30. The song I'm listening to now: im not listening to anything 🤡

31. Day or night: depends 😎

32. Do I like rollercoasters: yesssss I wuv them very much and I wanna ride one right now >:(

33. Lucky number: 18 🤡

34. Favorite quote: "find a penny pick it up" lmfao and my brain interprets it differently😏

35. How long have I liked KPOP: since never

36. Favorite album: don't know

37. What I find attractive in people: their personality.

38. My battery percentage: 67%

39. What I'm doing tomorrow: absolutely nothing

40. Last thing I ate: food

41. Favorite song: ...

42. Stuffed animals I own: teddy bear, stuffed bunny, and a stuffed penguin from a stuffed animal machine 💀

43. Witches or vampires: witches so I can cast spells on people😈—nah prolly vampires to suck-

44. Favorite holiday: Christmas;) even though I barely get gifts anymore 😘

45. Color of my toothbrush: lmfao blue

46. Go-to comfort food: hm...chips ?

47. Coffee or tea: coffeeeeeeeeeee

48. Description of my crush: radio rebel

49. Song that made me cry: songs don't make me cry usually

50. Favorite K drama: ....wut

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