chronicles of bullshit pt. 4

65 4 37

hi ...

ignore me saying this shit was a weekly thing bc...

so in my dorm, our floor allows boys and girls, which means we all use bathrooms etc.—but they're private bathrooms not public


i walked in on this boy in the bathroom last night😍😍

i mean he wasn't naked so

and it's his fault for not locking the door✨

we were both like:🧍🏽‍♀️🧍🏽‍♂️👁👄👁

i needa get braids again bc managing natural hair in no .

im not going home til thanksgiving and I gotta deal with this hair shit🥲🥲🥲

im sleep deprived❤️

i was told I'm toxic👁👄👁

I mean...

anywho, last year for Halloween i did pick up lines to send to ur boyfriend/girlfriend🌚

im guessing you all succeeded in that . youre welcome .

once again I have nothing planned for this halloween regarding my books . the laziness in me cannot .

imma just be someone's girlfriend for halloween and break it off the next day❤️

if im confronted i'll act dumb .

wut should I update next🌚

it might take me like 60 business days to update but give me suggestions anyway❤️

it might take me like 60 business days to update but give me suggestions anyway❤️

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