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I got this from Elizabeth btw✨

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I got this from Elizabeth btw✨

1. Name: idk

2. Birthday: April 18 🤪

3. Relationship status: married to jordan carter🥰

4. Piercings I have: just my ears but im getting a nose stud if it's the last thing I do🤩

5. The meaning behind my username: I didn't wanna sound like a perfume fragrance anymore 😀

6. Groups I stan: hm . come back to me on that one

7. Favorite movie: too many tbh....other than my childhood ones idk what would be my favorite as of now🤡🤡🤡

8. A fact about my personality: I have many and I am emotionally unavailable 🥳

9. What I hate most about myself: the fact that I have the ability to purposely ignore red flags😜

10. What I love most about myself: my culture and where I'm from

11. idea of a perfect date: just make sure there's food ghee

if not im out^☹️

12. weakness: boys w pretty eyes and scorpios😍😍

13. Biggest turn on: boys with emotional trauma😍

i may or may not be joking about that😍😍😍^

14. A random fact I know: nitroglycerin smells like caramel

don't ask why I know

15. the last time I cried and why: me and my cousins got kicked out a hotel party 2 days ago bc we made too much noise and I didn't get to record any of it

^mind u I cried because I didn't get to record not the fact that we were kicked out😀

im absolutely insane .

16. Favorite food: I love seafood, nigerian and honduran food😁

17. Chinese zodiac sign: goat 🐐

18. Favorite season: i love winter . something about the snow falling is just very peaceful to me

and it's sweatshirt seasonnnn🥳🥳🥳

19. How long I take to get ready: 1 hour 30 at most💀

20. somewhere I want to visit: my husbands' many houses

and yes I have many bc I am a hoe✨

21. other languages I speak: toxicity, Yoruba and Spanish😍

don't take my word for the other 2 it's mostly my parents that speak those but I most definitely speak toxicity😍

oh and cartinese😍

22. the color of my eyes: dark brown

23. my love language: idfk

24. talents: I can cry on demand😀

25. Ultimate biases: idk🌚

26. Concerts I've been to: none but im going to a Wiz kid one in September🤪🤪

27. Last book I read: I haven't read since the pandemic fuckin started ghee

*nah just boring books for school truthfully🌚

28. Favorite ice cream flavor: vanilla

29. Cats or dogs: dogs but I don't have one🤡

30. Song I'm listening to: joro by wizkid✨

31. Day or night: hm . night🌙

32. Do I like rollercoasters: i LOVE them🥳

I haven't been on one since 2019 so I'm deprived☹️

33. Lucky number: 18

34. Favorite quote: fake it til you make it🤪

35. Favorite album: i have too many tbh💀

36. What I find most attractive in people: pretty eyes and personality✨

37. Battery percentage: 39%

38. What I'm doing tomorrow: absolutely nothing😍

39. Nationality: nigerian and honduran (mostly African in general since my mom is both honduran and nigerian and my dad is just nigerian)

40. Favorite song: right now it's blow my mind by Davido and Chris brown

41: stuffed animals: Bear, penguin, bunny

42. Witches or vampires: vampires bc I'd let them suck my blood any day🥳🥳🥳

43. Favorite holiday: Christmas

44. Color of toothbrush: blue✨

45. Go-to comfort food: dic- prolly chips or icecream

46. Coffee or tea: iced caramel macchiato from Starbucks please🥳

47. A description of my crush: pretty eyes and famous 😍

48. A song that made me cry: ive had many movies or shows that made me cry but I can't think of a song tbh💀

49. Sexuality: straight

50. Your looks:

y'all ready ?

you fr ready ?

ok here it goes..

well there I am😍

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well there I am😍

anywho subscribe for more😍

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