Saint Dinner Party

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🎃 Its Halloween bitches👅👅 🎃

This isn't a real chapter, it's just out of my twisted imagination

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This isn't a real chapter, it's just out of my twisted imagination. It's based off my favorite episode of Family Guy🤧.

This isn't even scary btw. I just did this to post sum (for fun) this is mad dumb🙄and isn't finished

But enjoy :)))


It was a gloomy ass Thursday morning. The clouds looked dark as if it rained, and the sky had an orange tint to it as if it were sunset or sunrise, but it's really just about 10am.

Somethin' was different about this morning and I can't put my finger on it. I stepped out my bed and yawned, stretching my arms. I squinted my eyes as I looked at the time which wasn't too late or too early for me to be waking up

The atmosphere is quiet and gloomy just like the outside and it gives me bad vibes. But I got outta bed and brushed my teeth, washed my face, and I don't take a shower until after I eat breakfast which goes for the rest of the gang members

I walk out the bathroom and step out my room, closing the door behind me and oddly simultaneously, all the other gang members are doin' the same. Comin' out their rooms.

We stare at each other, "What the fuck? What do y'all want?" Wolfie speaks first, scratching his stomach as Salamander kisses his teeth

"Watchu mean? We all gon' eat, dumbass."

"We all awoke at the same time and walked out of our rooms at the same time? Damn. That's kinda weird don't ya think?" Nelly says but we ignore him as always—

"Y'all just wanna be me." Enrico mutters as he makes the first move and was about to walk to the kitchen before we all jolt and race to the table where food is usually already prepared for us

We stand there lookin' defeated as there's no sign of food or mama Sal. "Where's Mama Sal? I'm hungry." I wonder, lookin' around the main hangout area and we all glance at Salamander who shrugs his shoulders, "Ion know where she is. Maybe she went out."

"Skip y'all, imma eat my cereal." Wolfie shrugs and reaches to the top of the fridge to get his fruity pebbles which leaves the rest of us empty handed

"Bro there ain't shit else to eat!" I complain, "I wish weed was edible, or crack." I mutter but they of course heard me as Enrico shoves me in the shoulder, "Keep dreamin' amigo."

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