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i realized I haven't been active in over a month lol


now that schools over I'll try to update more🌚

anywho it's time for a life update .

full name: araseli ur mom carter, married to jordan carter✨

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full name: araseli ur mom carter, married to jordan carter✨

zodiac sign: aries👹

who is ur best friend: ur dad

how do u feel rn: I just ate so I feel good now 👍🏽

wut is ur current relationship status: married duh🌚

wut is ur favorite movie: I have too many but some include alvin and the chipmunks, titanic, and lion king

how tall are u: 6'2🥰

^nah like 5'3🤡

wut is ur favorite song: too many but I'll just say my current one is New N3on by jordan carter

3 things I love: shopping, sleep, my husbands

favorite food: idk tbh I like a lot of shit . maybe di-

celebrity crush: duh do I even have to say

tattoos/piercings: I only have a second ear piercing but no nose ones—which I rlly want 😪

^as far as tattoos idk wen I'll get one or if I will but I want a butterfly for my first🦋🦋🦋

turn ons: boys with anger issues😍 pls yell at me😍😍😍

^anywho I also like boys who are funny, honest, and mean to everyone but me😍😍😍 and those who don't know they're fine asf

boys who know they're fine asf are so annoying

turn offs: boys who know they're fine asf

prefer scary movies or happy endings: tbh I like happy endings but if there's a lil razzle dazzle sad ending then i wouldn't mind

i like bittersweet endings actually—ones that are sad but also happy 🤡

computer or television: computer

favorite perfume: anything sweet smelling . i love smelling like candy or just a sweet scent🥰

last time I cried: the moment I realized I'm in charge of my future <3

can you cook: a little but not too extravagant . but this summer I'm trying to learn more cultural dishes to make for like family or stuff my mom makes✨

do I speak any other language apart from English: I don't rlly speak it and I'm not fluent—but I understand Spanish and Yoruba ✨🦋

do I miss anyone rn: I miss Jordan he hasn't tweeted since October😪

favorite tv show: again it's too much to choose from but if we're talking sitcoms it will always be victorious or icarly🫡

any questions: don't ask me shit💞

*bonus question* wuts a goal I want to accomplish in the future: I rly wanna grow a strawberry garden🤍

and have a side business like a flower and berries shop💋

anywho I'm working on Saint rn and will update....before this month ends🌚

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