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I stay up late into the night, partly because my English homework is far from done, and partly because I can't stop thinking about Cat Noir. About how the world thinks we're together. It's not that I didn't want them to know, or that I even wanted to keep our relationship a secret, but now the world is one step closer to finding out his true identity. That puts him in danger as well as Marinette. Oh, and not to mention the fact she would be heartbroken if she knew I was dating her 'true love'. That might even completely destroy her...

'Pensive thoughts, y/n?' A soft voice whispers from my window sill. 'I know that look. What's wrong?' 

I glance up to see-speak of the devil- Cat Noir. In costume again...

'You can't just keep breaking into my room,' I roll my eyes, pulling him in and shutting the window with a click. 'One of these days Marinette's going to break in, see you and then she'll be furious.' 

'Why?' Cat Noir tips his head. 'Why would she mind?' 

I bite my lip. I can't very well tell him that she's Ladybug. 

'Because I don't want everyone to know yet.' I look away. 

'Plagg, claws in,' Cat Noir says quietly. The transformation leaves the familiar sight of Adrien standing in front of me. And Plagg, who immediately begins sniffing around. 

'I left more Camembert for you in the fridge,' I say quietly, pointing down the stairs. 

'Excellent,' Plagg squeaks, zooming off. 

'Why don't you want people to know about us?' Adrien frowns, sitting on the bed. 

'I don't want to put you or Ladybug in danger. People could find out who you are!' I breathe. 'They know now that the superhero's must be around our age, and go to our school! Alya's going to put the pieces together eventually!' 

'Ladybug goes to our school?' Adrien gasps. 'Do you know who she is?' 

I shake my head quickly. 'No. Nope.' 

'Are you lying?' A smirk plasters against his face, his green eyes glinting in the moonlight. 

'Of course not,' I glare into his eyes. 'Besides Kitty, I couldn't tell you anyways.' 

'When do you want to go public then?' He asks softly. 'I don't want to hide this.' 

I stand up, wrapping my arms around his neck. 'I'd rather not hide either.' 

'How about this,' I let go, sitting down again as Adrien continues. 'We casually let people know we're dating-through some form of PDA-let me finish.' He hesitates. 'When they question us about it we just say our relationship is strictly confidential.' 

Adrien beams like it's the best plan in the world. 

I have to laugh at the expression on his face. 'That sounds like a half baked plan, Kitty.' 

'It's worked before for Ladybug and I.' He pauses, then says quickly. 'When we were questioned about our identities I mean.' 

'I know what you mean.' I pretend to think about it for a few seconds. 'It's a good plan.' I say finally.

'Told you it would work.' Adrien smirks. 

'Whatever...' I trail off. 'Are you staying?' 

He glances at the clock. 'Pointless to go home again.'

'Let's go to sleep then,' I say. 

'There are some other things we could do,' the Cat Noir side shows again as Adrien slips into bed with me, grasping me around the waist. 

'You better not make me late for school tomorrow, Kitty.' I whisper, leaning in to kiss him. 


(So I'm kinda leaving it up to you whether they just kissed or *other* (you are 16, Adrien is 17)- I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable so this is as far as I'm going for now)

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