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'Guys, help!' I  hear a voice shout from directly in front of us. I do a double take even though I was pretty much expecting this. 

'Cat Noir?' I frown, glancing back at the one by my side. 

'It's me! He tricked me, I'm the real one!' The obvious Copy Cat says. 

'Cut the bullshit,' Ladybug rolls her eyes. 'We know you're the fake, because the real Cat Noir wouldn't have done anything like what you did on the news.' 

'Yeah, and you aren't even as cool as me,' Cat Noir says with a sneer. 

Copycat scowls, standing up and advancing towards us. In a flash, the two Cats are in a scuffle, flying around each other so fast I can't even tell which one is which anymore. Oh shoot. 

One of the Cats grabs the other, trapping him in a headlock. 

'Um. which one are you?' I ask. 

'The real one,' they both say. 

'No, it's me!' The one in the headlock says. 'I'm your partner! You have to believe me!' 

'Alright, so tell us Real Cat Noir-who's your girlfriend,' Ladybug says with a grin. 

'Uh, Ryuko, duh,' The Cat Noir in the headlock says. 

'False,' The other one smirks. 'I'm dating-' 

'Yeah, yeah, yeah,' Ladybug cuts him off, advancing on both of them. 

'No-no wait! I'll prove it to you,' Copycat says. 'Remember Ryuko, how I almost kissed you the other night?' 

'What the hell?' Real Cat Noir says. 'You almost kissed me?' 

I roll my eyes. 'Oh my god he's obviously lying, I would never do that.'

'For the love of god Cat Noir, you would remember if it was you,' Ladybug face palms. 'Can we just get this over with?' 

'Hang on,' Cat Noir says. 'I do remember that, it was on the roof that day, right?' 

Copycat growls. 'I saw everything. If you try to destroy me, I'll tell everyone that you're in love with Cat Noir!' 

'So what?' I ask. 'No one's going to believe you.' 

'And we never kissed,' Cat Noir says hotly. 

Ladybug blinks impatiently. 'Lets talk after.' 

'W-wait,' Copycat says. 'I'm sorry, can you please just give me a chance? I love you Ryuko!' 

'I saved your life once,' I say lamely. 'I literally have a boyfriend.' 

'The only guy worthy of you is me!' Copycat wails. 'Well, maybe Adrien Agreste, I heard he was pretty cool too.' 

I snort. 'Well then.' 

'You're dating Adrien Agreste?' Cat Noir gapes. 

'No,' I shake my head rapidly. 'I just uh-agree that he's cool.' 

A smirk grows on Cat Noir's face. 'Yeah. He is.' 

'Shut the hell up all of you!' Ladybug says impatiently. 'Now where's the Akuma?' 

'There,' I point at his wrist, where there's a tiny bracelet looped around twice. 'It's the only thing on him.' 

'Cataclysm,' Cat Noir says, touching the bracelet carefully and letting go. 

'HA!' Copycat jumps up. 'It's the only thing on me, is it?' He mimicks, pulling out a news paper clipping of me from-wait um what? 

'That is disgusting,' Ladybug wrinkles her nose. 'well, I'm not touching that.' 

Copycat laughs evily, jumping onto the Eifel Tower. 

'Come and get me now!' 

'So about that day on the roof,' Cat Noir says, ignoring the supervillain. 

'Now is NOT the time, Cat Noir,' I hiss. 

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