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I expect to be seeing you quite soon. 

I expect to be seeing you quite soon.

 I expect to be seeing you quite soon.

 Would somebody please tell me what the fuck that means? I mean, is it a threat? Is it a friendly invitation to someone's wedding? For god's sake. 

Gabriel Agreste's words get stuck in my head for the next week. To be quite honest, I'm sure I'm over-thinking this but the way he said it just rubbed me the wrong way. Like, maybe it was a threat. Maybe he wants me to break up with Adrien. No. That's probably not it. 

It isn't until I'm watching the news a couple of weeks later that I come up with a terrible, unlikely theory. 

"—the villain Hawkmoth who has been terrorizing the city of Paris for over two years now has left an ominous note on one of the statues dedicate to Ladybug and Cat Noir," Nadia Chamack reports, pointing to a photograph on her screen. Her expression is grim, and I squint to read the words. 

Victory will be seen quite soon.

The words are written in a light shade of purple in delicate handwriting. There's a butterfly wing sitting on top of the statues. Right on Cat Noir's head. That's just delightful. 

Okay, so Hawkmoth and Gabriel Agreste both have the stupid old-timey way of writing—and speaking. That's a coincidence. Right? 

The next day I accidentally—or not so accidentally glance over Adrien's shoulder at a plan he and his father are writing for the next photo shoot. A couple of Gabriel's words stick out to me on the page. 

White, black, sage 

Gabriel scribbled some notes for color themes on the top of the page. The swoops on the W are exaggerated and the I's aren't dotted. Just like the message Hawkmoth wrote. 

"Y/N, are you okay?" Adrien asks, giving me a concerned glance. He rests his hand on my leg. "You look like you've seen a ghost..." 

I gulp. Oh it's nothing, I just think your dad might be Hawkmoth. The only remaining parent you have is an evil villain and he's terrorizing our city with evil butterflies..

"It's nothing," I say quickly. "Sorry, I just feel a bit..uh, sick. I think I might have a cold," I cough a couple of times, very unconvincingly so. 

Adrien doesn't look like he believes me. "Sick." He repeats. "Are you sure?" 

"Yeah," I hesitate. "I'm going to go home and...sleep. Maybe uh finish my math homework." Math homework? I don't take math. I put an innocent look on my face, hoping he buys it. 

Adrien nods slowly. "Oh, okay. I was almost done with this, can I come with you? I could like, make you soup if you want? Help you with homework?" 

God he's sweet. 

"Sorry," I tap my foot on the ground anxiously. "I love you and all, but I think I need a bit of rest. Without distractions." 

"I'm that distracting?" Adrien asks, pretending to be offended. For a second I forget my insane theory. 

"Yes, yes you are," I say, kissing him on the cheek. "See you later." 

"Bye, Y/N." 

"Pensive thoughts, Y/N?" A very familiar voice asks me. I'm sitting outside the bakery, studying the picture of Gabriel Agreste's writing and Hawkmoths. 

"Huh?" I look up to see Damon. Immediately, my face falls. I think he notices because he shuffles uncomfortably. 

"Look, I'm really sorry about how I acted at that party," He sighs. "I was being stupid and I never should've made a move on you. I know that you're with Cat Noir...but I was hoping we could start over. As friends?" 

I raise my eyebrows, momentarily surprised. "Oh. Uh, yeah, sure. Thanks..." 

Just then a breeze blows in, tossing the papers out of my hands. Right onto the concrete in front of Damon. 

He picks them up, and is about to hand them to me when he frowns. 

"Wait a second..this is that article about Hawkmoth, right?" He points at the picture. 

"Give it back," I say, trying to snatch it back from him. He holds it above his head, studying the other one. 

"Is this like a design or something?" Damon gasps. "Wait, no, this is for Gabriel Agreste's fashion line!" His jaw drops. "I wear his stuff all the time." 

I take the papers back, hoping he doesn't put two and two together. 

It dawns on him slowly. 

"Do you think that Gabriel Agreste could be Hawkmoth?" 

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